White Coat Ceremony for Chinese Medicine students

As part of TCM Week 2023, the Chinese Medicine Society hosted White Coat Ceremony on 23 February 2023 for its Chinese Medicine students to mark their entry into the medical profession and remind them of their important duty and obligation in helping patients while upholding high moral and ethical standards.

Prof Ng sharing the importance of TCM and its competency

M. Kandiah Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (MK FMHS) Deputy Dean for Academic Development and Undergraduate Programmes Prof Dr Ng Teck Han shared the importance of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and said, “TCM has been practised for thousands of years and has a strong following worldwide. TCM is becoming more relevant in the current market due to its holistic approach to health and wellness which considers the mind, body and spirit and addresses imbalances in the body to promote wellness using natural remedies and integrative medicine. As TCM continues to gain acceptance and popularity, it is likely to become an even more important part of the healthcare landscape in the years to come.”

Lew highlighting the importance of the white coat and the responsibility associated with it

MK FMHS Head of Chinese Medicine Department Leu Kim Fey advised the students on their professionalism, and said, “The white coat is a symbol of the trust and responsibility you will hold as a medical professional. As you begin your journey into the medical world, it is important to remember that your actions and decisions will have a profound impact on the lives of your patients.”

Dr Pang congratulating students for their achievements

Chinese Medicine Society Advisor Dr Pang Jit Seng congratulated students for their achievements and said, “I want to extend my congratulations to each of you on this important milestone. You have worked hard to get to this point, and I know that you will continue to work hard to achieve your goals. I wish you all the best as you embark on this incredible journey.” He also thanked all the sponsors for their generosity and support towards the students.

After the speeches, the students were invited to the stage to receive their white coats. Following that, Chinese Medicine Society Chairperson Chong Yong Yi was invited to lead the recital of the Oath of Commitment. The Oath served as a pledge of their acceptance of all the duties and responsibilities associated with their profession.

Students receiving their white coats

Chong Yong Yi leading the oath

Students taking an oath to accept their new responsibility

The ceremony came to an end after a group photograph.

Leu (second from left) and MK FMHS Deputy Dean for Student Development and Industrial Training Dr Leong Pooi Pooi (third from left) officiate the opening ceremony for TCM Week 2023

Apart from that, the opening ceremony of TCM Week 2023 was also held on 18 February 2023. TCM Week 2023 aimed to raise awareness of healthy living in the community and promote interaction among the students. The event also served to provide valuable clinical experience to TCM students which would be beneficial for their future careers.

Besides the White Coat Ceremony, various other events such as the Abdominal and Pulse Diagnosis Workshop, TCM talk, exhibitions and bazaar, and TCM night were held as part of the TCM Week 2023.

Health care services provided to UTAR students, staff and the public during TCM Week 2023

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