UTAR, THU and UIB join hands to organise 3rd CoMBInES

UTAR Faculty of Accountancy and Management (FAM) and the Centre for Entrepreneurial Sustainability (CENTS) organised the 3rd Conference on Management, Business, Innovation, Education and Social Sciences (CoMBInES) via Zoom on 4 March 2023. The conference was also co-organised by Tunghai University (THU) and Universitas Internasional Batam (UIB).

Themed ‘Entrepreneurial Sustainability: Embracing the New Normal’, the conference aimed to bring together experts (lecturers and students) as well as domestic and overseas partners to share and update their research works. It also aimed to establish an international cooperation platform to enhance mutual understanding between different countries. The conference would serve as a platform for researchers to share their knowledge and motivation in the application of sustainable research activities.

The conference commenced with an opening speech by FAM Dean Dr Pok Wei Fong, followed by speeches from UIB Rector Dr Iskandar Itan, represented by UIB Accounting Academic Dr Meiliana, Tunghai University representative Prof Dr Chou Ying-Chyi and Conference Chairperson Dr Yeong Wai Mun.

Dr Pok welcoming everyone to 3rd CoMBInES

Dr Pok, in her opening address, welcomed everyone to the 3rd Conference on Management, Business, Innovation, Education and Social Sciences (CoMBInES), and expressed her delight to see UTAR working closely with other universities, such as Universitas Internasional Batam and Tunghai University to provide opportunities for researchers in the field of Management, Business, Engineering, and Social Sciences to present their research works, share their ideas and contribute to the pool of knowledge. She enthused, “I believe this conference will bring together bright minds to exchange knowledge and expertise later in the afternoon. I hope everyone will make use of this opportunity to learn from it.”

Dr Yeong hoping the conference will benefit everyone

Organising Chairman Dr Yeong Wai Mun thanked the speakers, participants and colleagues for their participation, and said, “An event of this dimension cannot happen overnight. The wheels start rolling months in advance. It requires meticulous planning and execution and also an eye for detail. My utmost appreciation goes to our partners, who are also the co-organisers— Tunghai University (THU) and Universitas Internasional Batam (UIB); distinguished keynote speaker Prof Ramayah; organising committee and session chairperson for the efforts. We have been fortunate enough to be backed by groups of very motivated and dedicated individuals. It would have been impossible to organise this symposium without all of your support.”

She added, “A special thanks also to all participants who are joining us virtually from different destinations. Thank you for sparing your time and effort to be here with us today. I hope that the conference will benefit everyone and create a memorable experience for all of us here.”

Dr Meiliana delivering her welcome remark

Representing UIB Rector Dr Iskandar Itan, Dr Meiliana said, “The first CoMBInES was held in 2021 by UIB in collaboration with THU and UTAR. Since then, the conference has proven positive values for all participating institutions and individuals. Students and academics are able to present their research and collaborate with international peers at the conference. This resulted in valuable networking opportunities and fruitful conversations around relevant topics, thereby strengthening our academic institutions’ relationship. Last year’s conference was organised by THU while this year’s conference is a continuation of the second CoMBInES, which will address the most pressing issues of our local and global communities with the theme ‘Entrepreneurial Sustainability: Embracing the New Normal’.”

Prof Chou expressing her gratitude for being able to be part of the conference

THU representative Prof Chou expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to be part of the meaningful conference. In her speech, she introduced the background of the university and said, “THU is a private university which was established in 1955. It was founded by the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia (UBCHEA) and became one of the most important universities in Taiwan.” She also shared her insights on “A synergistic society of human, technology environment”.


Prof Ramayah presenting his keynote address titled “Sustaining education during a pandemic: Lessons learnt”

The conference continued with a keynote address featuring Universiti Sains Malaysia, School of Management academic Prof Dr Ramayah Thurasamy. His keynote address was titled “Sustaining education during the pandemic: Lessons learnt.” Prof Ramayah shared the issues faced by academics during the pandemic which included teaching revolution; time management skills; equipment; connectivity issues and many more; he also shared some research opportunities for career development.

Next, a presentation session covering eight tracks, namely Track 1: Business and International Management, Track 2: Entrepreneurship, Track 3: Digital Marketing, Track 4: Finance & Economics, Track 5: Accounting, Track 6: Digital Transformation and Innovation, Track 7: Education Sustainability and Track 8: Green Technology and Environmental Sustainability, was held. More than 40 researchers were present during the session to present their papers. An award presentation session was held at the closing ceremony, where the winners of the Best Paper Award and the Best Presenter Award were announced.

Participants at the conference

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