Acupuncture growing in popularity as treatment options to alleviate pain

CFS organises a talk on pain management  

The Centre for Foundation Studies of Kampar Campus (CFS) organised a talk titled “Pain management” on 15 March 2023 at DDK4, Faculty of Science, UTAR Kampar Campus. 

The talk was conducted by UTAR Hospital TCM Rehabilitation Centre staff Cruz Chong. Chong has had several years of working experience with the Taiwan University Hospital, Gleneagles Hospital Singapore, Samsung, Hisense, and SengHeng Electrics. In addition, Chong’s works emphasised on the treatment efficacy of physical therapy and Chinese medicine.

The talk aimed to highlight the importance of treatment methods in the healing process of pain management.

Chong began his talk by sharing the four different pain case studies he handled throughout his career, their symptoms and treatments for each case study. Furthermore, he also explained the three types of wound healing processes, namely inflammatory, proliferative, and remodelling. He also introduced the basic theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the acupuncture treatment services available at UTAR Hospital.

Shortly after the talk, Chong invited some participants for a free check-up, where he helped to identify their pain, clarifying the pain area problems, before demonstrating the treatment.

The participants also shared some positive feedback after the talk. They now understand how to prevent injuries from happening and perform simple treatments when they experience pain in their body. They also shared that this talk brought awareness about health and muscle injuries. Some even mentioned that it was interesting and fun learning the acupuncture demonstrations with the speaker.

The talk ended with a Q&A session, followed by the presentation of the certificate of appreciation to Chong by CFS Deputy Director for Student Affairs and Development Lim Khiew Loon.

Chong explaining muscles and acupuncture for pressure points

Chong identifying the pressure points and demonstrating the acupuncture method

Lim (left) presenting the certificate to Chong

Chong (front row, second from left) and Lim (front row, fourth from right) with participants at the end of the talk

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