Students display zeal in Kuiz Ketamadunan Malaysia 2023

Front row: Ts Tan (centre), CFS (Kampar Campus) Head of Department of Arts and Social Science Pakialetchumy Antoni (fourth from right), Sarah Shamshul (third from right) and Muniroh (far right) with the committee members and participants

It was another exciting day for the students of UTAR Kampar Campus as they engage in “Kuiz Ketamadunan Malaysia 2023” at UTAR Heritage Hall Building on 15 March 2023. The quiz competition was organised by MPU and Foreign Language Units of the Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS) of Kampar Campus. A total of 14 groups of students (42 individuals) from CFS Kampar Campus, Faculty of Arts and Social Science (FAS), Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FICT), Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT) and Faculty of Science (FSc) participated in the competition.

The quiz competition aimed to instil knowledge of Malaysian civilisation among students and provide an opportunity for students to test their general knowledge of Malaysian civilisation. It consisted of a qualifying round and a final round. The participants were required to answer a set of questions prepared by the organising committee via Quizizz. The questions covered scopes such as Malaysian culture and society, constitution, science and technology, sports, politics and economy.

The winners of the first prize, second prize and third prize walked away with cash prizes of RM210, RM150 and RM90 respectively. Meanwhile, all participants were presented with certificates as a commemoration regardless of their positions in the competition.

During the competition, the facilitator Muniroh binti Salleh, who is also a CFS (Kampar Campus) academic, guided the participants through the questions with a lively tone, uplifting the supposedly tension-filled nature of the quiz session. One would expect a quiz to be tense and anxiety-filled, but the happy and excitement-filled demeanours of the participants throughout the session said otherwise.

Muniroh facilitating the competition with lively remarks

The quiz session was a short but fulfilling one, as it conveyed the core of fun learning. What is the purpose of learning, if you don’t have a blast in the process? The serious discussion between the participants in their own groups, coupled with the short suspense of waiting for an answer’s announcement seemed like the right recipe for eliciting interest in a significant topic. Whenever an answer was announced, voices of joy and disappointment were heard clearly at the same time. Nonetheless, the disappointments brought along by the participants’ errors only translated into determination to do better in the next question.

Student participants engaging in discussions during the final round

The competition reached another highlighted moment when the announcement of the winners was made. Starry eyes of eagerness and zest were directed at the announcer as the atmosphere turned quiet, but the excitement in the air was ostensible for anyone at the scene.

The list of winners is as follows:






1st Place

Chuah Ee Sing

Bachelor of Information Systems (Honours) Business Information Systems

Su Ho Yee Hui

Wong Kar Kit

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) Entrepreneurship


2nd Place

Anna Poh Goon Ping

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) English Education

Naomi Teh

Yeong Chi Yan


3rd Place

Ong Ze Xiong

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Electronic Engineering

Tan Yon Ern

Kylie Loi Ting Yin



Maanushree Ravichandran

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) English Education

Sheryca Rosalynda Petar

Yuvashni Nair Kesavan



Lew Tian Shan

Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)

Yau Kai Sin

Ling Jing



Lim Yee Weng

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Foo Hoo Yao

Leong Siew Yong

Bachelor of Marketing (Honours)



Lee Zhao Xuan

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) Entrepreneurship

Yee Sheng Zong

Tan Keng Chi

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)

FSc G1


Aidil Malissa Lim binti Muhammad Ridzuan Lim

Bachelor of Science (Honours) Biomedical Science

Sangeetha Sundararajan

Shivanee Veerapatran

From left: Ts Tan presenting prizes to the first prize winners Wong Kar Kit, Su Ho Yee Hui and Chuah Ee Sing

From right: Ts Tan presenting prizes to the second prize winners Naomi Teh, Anna Poh Goon Ping and Yeong Chi Yan

From right: Ts Tan presenting prizes to the third prize winners Kylie Loi Ting Yin, Tan Yon Ern and Ong Ze Xiong

From right: Pakialetchumy presenting prizes to the consolation prize winners Yuvashni Nair Kesavan, Maanushree Ravichandran and Sheryca Rosalynda Petar

From right: Pakialetchumy presenting prizes to the consolation prize winners Lew Tian Shan, Ling Jing and Yau Kai Sin

From right: Pakialetchumy presenting prizes to the consolation prize winners Foo Hoo Yao, Lim Yee Weng and Leong Siew Yong

From right: Pakialetchumy presenting prizes to the consolation prize winners Lee Zhao Xuan, Tan Keng Chi and Yee Sheng Zong

From right: Pakialetchumy presenting prizes to the consolation prize winners Sangeetha Sundararajan, Aidil Malissa Lim binti Muhammad Ridzuan Lim and Shivanee Veerapatran

As the quiz sessions concluded, Organising Chairperson Sarah binti Shamshul Anwar, who is also a CFS (Kampar Campus) academic, enthused, “Congratulations to all the participants. All of you did a great job. I would also like to thank my committee members for putting much effort to make this competition a successful one. Malaysia is a multicultural society that consists of different cultures, religions and ethnic groups. Diversity is important to show that Malaysia is different from other countries as its citizens live in harmony and respect each other. The strength and glory of Malaysian civilisation lie in the success of its multiracial people to reach unity and construct a universal civilisation of which they can be proud. Indeed, the glories of civilisation depend on our heritage.”

In her remarks, CFS (Kampar Campus) Director Ts Tan Lee Siew expressed her joy in conjunction with the success of the competition, saying, “I am more than happy to see that many students have shown interest and ability in this competition. It is not only about showcasing your confidence in the general knowledge of Malaysia, but also your sense of responsibility and commitment towards our nation. We hope that by understanding more about our nation, you will learn to embrace the charm and diversity that Malaysia has to offer. More importantly, in the future, when you have the ability, you could contribute back to society.”

Ts Tan expressing her delight towards the student’s passion for Malaysian civilisation

Kuiz Ketamadun Malaysia 2023 concluded with a group photography session.

Organising committee members smile for a photograph with Ts Tan (centre, left) and Pakialetchumy (centre, right) for a job well done

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