Aoyama Gakuin University visits UTAR to discuss EIP and SEP

Front row, from left: Prof Horie, Prof Saitou, Prof Matsunaga, Dr Lai and Dr Au Yong
Second row, from left: Sasano, Choy Kar Yan, Chin, Choy Johnn Yee, Dr Chen, Ngan, Dr Leong, Dr Khor, Mohd Faizul, Chan, Choong and Siew

A group of delegates from Aoyama Gakuin University (AGU) of Japan visited UTAR Kampar Campus on 16 March 2023. A meeting was organised between the representatives of both universities at the Faculty of Arts and Social Science (FAS) and the Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) meeting room.

The purpose of the visit was to discuss and review the UTAR English Immersion Programme (EIP) and Student Exchange Programme (SEP) joined by AGU students from August 2022 to December 2022. The meeting also provided an opportunity for further discussion of potential plans and collaborations between the two universities.

AGU has been UTAR’s memorandum of understanding partner since 2015. With 149 years of education pedigree and education imbued with a strong sense of social responsibility and morality to contribute back to society, AGU is widely recognised as one of the leading private universities in Japan.

The AGU delegates were led by Dean of AGU School of Global Studies and Collaboration Prof Dr Matsunaga Eric Masanobu. He was accompanied by the Deputy Dean for Global Engagement of Department of Global Studies and Collaboration Prof Dr Horie Masanobu, Department of Global Studies and Collaboration Assoc Prof Dr Saitou Daisuke, and Study Abroad Coordinator of Academic Affairs Division, School of Global Studies and Collaboration Sasano Keisuke.

The guests were given a warm welcome by UTAR President Ir Prof Dato’ Dr Ewe Hong Tat, Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF) Dean Assoc Prof Dr Au Yong Hui Nee, FBF Deputy Dean for Academic Development and Undergraduate Programmes Dr Peter Tan Sin Howe, FBF Head of Department of Marketing Choy Johnn Yee, FAS Deputy Dean for Academic Development and Undergraduate Programmes Ts Dr Khor Kheng Kia, FAS Department of Public Relations lecturer Diong Fong Wei, Division of Community and International Networking (DCInterNet) Director Assoc Prof Dr Lai Soon Onn, DCInterNet Deputy Director Dr Chen, I-Chi, DCInterNet Senior Assistant Manager Chin Sau Lai, Centre for Corporate and Community Development (CCCD) Deputy Director Assoc Prof Ir Ts Dr Leong Kah Hon, CCCD Head of Corporate and Community Training Mohd Faizul bin Ahmad, Head of Department of International Student Services (DISS) (Kampar Campus) Ngan Mun Wai, DISS Senior Assistant Manager Choy Kar Yan, DISS Assistant Manager Siew Choon Keat, Centre for Extension Education (CEE) Assistant Manager Choong Pik Sin and CEE Assistant Manager Chan Man Seong.

Prof Dato’ Ewe (left) giving a concise introduction of UTAR to the guests from AGU

Prof Dato’ Ewe gave a brief introduction about UTAR’s programmes and structures. Meanwhile, Prof Matsunaga shared the joy with everyone that AGU will be celebrating its 150th anniversary next year in 2024. In addition, he also introduced AGU’s origin, programmes and structures as well as its exchange student programme.

Prof Matsunaga showing the cultural activities conducted for exchange students

During the discussion session, both universities exchanged ideas on UTAR English Immersion Programme and Student Exchange Programme. UTAR CEE shared that the AGU exchange students have made memorable experiences during their study in UTAR FAS and FBF according to their testimonials.

Discussion in progress

In addition, both universities seized the opportunity to discuss potential collaborations which included cultural activities and community services for the exchange students; study tours, talks and webinars; and Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) programme.

The discussion ended with an exchange of souvenirs and a group photography session.

Prof Dato’ Ewe (left) exchanging souvenirs with Prof Matsunaga (right)

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