Accreditation visit by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Seated, from left: Dr Lim, Prof Roto, Dr Mapp, Prof Goi and Dr McCombie
Standing, from left: Dr Ooi Zhong Xian, Dr Gideon Khoo, Dr Sim and Dr Ooi Mei Lee
UTAR’s quality education is strengthened with accreditation received from the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) and international organisations. The visit by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), United Kingdom (UK) on 9 March 2023 to UTAR Kampar Campus saw the Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry programme obtaining another five-year accreditation.
The RSC representatives, namely Accreditation Development Specialist Dr Lucy Mapp; and RSC assessors Dr June McCombie from the University of Nottingham, UK, and Prof Dr Roto from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, were welcomed by UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Ir Prof Dr Goi Bok Min, Faculty of Science (FSc) Dean Assoc Prof Dr Lim Tuck Meng, FSc Deputy Dean for Academic Development Undergraduate Programmes Assoc Prof Dr Gideon Khoo, Department of Chemical Science Head Dr Ooi Mei Lee, Department of Laboratory Management and Safety Administration Head Dr Ooi Zhong Xian, and FSc academic Assoc Prof Dr Sim Kooi Mow.
Department of Chemical Science Head Dr Ooi Mei Lee, commented, “The Chemistry programme at UTAR obtained accreditation from the RSC in 2013. The RSC accreditation lasted for a period of five years, and once again, the programme was successfully re-accredited in 2018. The recent visit by the RSC was to meet up with the staff and chemistry students and evaluate the teaching facilities such as chemistry laboratories, equipment, library, computer laboratories, lecture halls and tutorial rooms. We are indeed happy that the programme has once again obtained its accreditation which will last till 2027.”
She also added, “It is important that our programmes are accredited because it not only ensures the quality of our programme, but also gives confidence to students enrolled in our faculty and university. Our department is always working hard and doing our best to ensure the quality of our academics’ competencies, courses’ syllabi and facilities are able to fulfil the requirements of RSC. The department has also implemented small-group teaching for practical and tutorial classes, where students will have more opportunity to acquire knowledge through hands-on training.”
Faculty management members having discussion with RSC representatives
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