MACC raises anti-corruption awareness

The Department of Commerce and Accountancy of UTAR Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF) and UTAR Accounting Society Kampar jointly organised a talk titled “Anti-corruption laws and Government initiatives” on 16 March 2023 at UTAR Kampar Campus. Head of the Private Sector Branch Community Education Division and Head of the University Branch of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Tuan Mohd Nur Lokman bin Samingan was invited to deliver the talk. About 136 participants attended the talk.

Tuan Lokman sharing the mechanism of corruption

The talk aimed to provide participants with a platform to gain exposure to anti-corruption issues and government initiatives as well as subjects and careers related to MACC.

The webinar kicked off with a welcome speech by FBF Head of Department of Commerce and Accountancy Sonia Johanthan, who thanked Tuan Lokman for taking the time to give an enriching talk to the students. She then emphasised the importance of comprehending anti-corruption issues among youth since they are the future leaders of the country.

Sonia delivering her welcome speech

Tuan Lokman began his talk by sharing the mechanism of corruption and several real-life cases involving high-rank officers, educators and single parents. He also talked about the impacts of corruption on the nation. In addition, he enlightened the participants on the requirements and procedures to become a member of MACC. As he shared the benefits of being a member of MACC, he also encouraged the students to become part of the MACC team. 

Tuan Lokman explaining the impacts of corruption on the nation

Tuan Lokman (right) interacting with students

Overall, the enlightening talk successfully spurred the participants to be aware of anti-corruption. The talk ended with a souvenir presentation session, followed by a lively Q&A session and a photography session.

                        Sonia (right) presenting a token of appreciation to Tuan Lokman

Q&A session in progress

Group photos at the end of the talk

FBF Dean Dr Au Yong Hui Nee (front row, second from right) and Tuan Lokman (front row, second from left) with FBF staff

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