UTAR Agriculture Park supports environmental sustainability


UTAR Faculty of Science students growing corns and rearing goats as part of their studies and research on sustainable farming and livestock rearing

Students of the UTAR Faculty of Science Department of Agricultural and Food Science degree programme have the advantage of the natural greenery and the vast land of UTAR Kampar Campus for an agriculture park that enables them to study and do research on farming, fishery and livestock rearing.

The Faculty of Science in UTAR Kampar Campus established the agriculture park for their students to explore, experiment and conduct studies on more effective methods of food production with higher yields and yet are environmentally sustainable

Students are educated on the importance of environmental sustainability and the responsibility to conserve and expand natural resources to protect ecosystems that support health and well-being now and in the future. Students experiment, do research and learn on how to maintain and improve soil fertility and enhance conditions for better growth to enable farmers to increase farm income without too much harm to the environment.

One of the first major initiatives of the agriculture park was the launching of the 1 Student 10 Trees Campaign on 30 March 2022 which was aimed at promoting the importance of conserving the green environment and a good step towards net zero carbon emission by planting more trees. In this campaign, each student planted 10 trees and more than 250 students, staff and guests planted the indigenous trees at the agriculture park.

Presented by the Malaysian Rubber Council (MRC) and UTAR, the campaigned was launched with a tree planting and plaque signing by the Deputy Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities Dato’ Sri Dr Wee Jeck Seng, accompanied by CEO of MRC Nor Hizwan bin Ahmad, and UTAR President Ir Prof Dr Ewe Hong Tat.

1 Student 10 Trees Campaign launched on 30 March 2022

Aerial View of the UTAR Agriculture Park

The Agriculture Park has greenhouse facilities equipped with vertical farming, indoor and outdoor fertigation and planting area, IoT monitoring, and smart irrigation systems.

Aerial view of the greenhouse at the park

Chair of the Agriculture Park and Dr Pedram Kashiani (far left), Head of Department of Agricultural and Food Science Dr Ali Yassoralipour (far right) and student graduates at Aquaculture Research Facility

Research on plant production (Sweet Corn) at the park

The current goat breeding facility at the UTAR Agriculture Park consists of over 20 heads of Boer Cross goats that are for meant for meat production. Due to selective breeding, Boers grow remarkably fast and can reach butcher age by about three months.

Research on goat production

The goat rearing facility

Research by students on fish growth and breeding in different water and light conditions

A brood of new fish

The fish breeding facility

The poultry farm for research at the park

The site of the 1 Student 10 Tree Campaign

The following are some fruit trees planted under the campaign:

Some of the fruit trees planted under the campaign

One of the lakes at the park where fish is bred

More trees planted for the campaign that have grown

One of the many trees from the forest that have been retained

Aerial video of Agriculture Park.

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