Insightful talk by IMLD and BRSRC

Dr Alvin (left) and Dr Kam (right)

UTAR Institute of Management and Leadership Development (IMLD), and the Belt and Road Strategic Research Centre (BRSRC) organised a talk titled “How Chinese capital exacerbates structural violence of ethnic minorities: externalization, extraction, and reaffirmation in South and Southeast Asia” on 8 May 2023 at UTAR Sungai Long Campus. Invited to speak at the talk were the Assistant Professor at the University of Denver, Dr Alvin Camba and the Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Dr Stefanie Kam Li Yee.

The talk addressed the argument of three mechanisms, particularly externalisation, extraction, and reaffirmation— that exacerbate structural violence against ethnic minorities. Dr Alvin Camba explained that Externalisation costs means groups are punished by the negative effects of the project; Economic extraction means projects are aimed towards maximising economic activities in indigenous lands; Reaffirmation mmeans generating political capital by diverting projects toward coalition members who belong to the same ethnicity.

Dr Alvin mentioned that compared to Western capital, Chinese capital is more prone to externalisation, extraction, and reaffirmation effects. He emphasised the Chinese practice of non-interference as a key process, overcapacity and decentralised economic policies, and open networks in the West, opening these projects to contestation from a variety of actors.

The case studies focused on projects in the Philippines, Myanmar, Pakistan, and Xinjiang. Dr Kam further explained the case studies in terms of the political logic of externalising cost, the logic of economic extraction, and the reaffirmation of the majoritarian ethnic coalition. She provided examples of how the mechanisms operated in each case, such as the Kaliwa Dam project and the Chico River Pump irrigation project in the Philippines, the Myitsone dam in Myanmar, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Pakistan, and Shadow case in Xinjiang. 

Dr Alvin concluded by highlighting the need for further research into the conceptual differences between Chinese and Western capital. The talk ended with an interactive Q&A session and a group photograph.

Third from right: Dr Alvin with IMLD Director and BRSRC Chairperson Prof Dr Cheng Ming Yu and UTAR staff

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