UTAR ICP and R&D Colloquium 2023 advocates secure environment

Front row: Prof Lim (third from left), Prof Faidz (third from right) and Dr Yong (second from right) with the academics during the group photo session

The UTAR International Collaborative Partner (ICP) and Research and Development (R&D) Colloquium 2023 was held at Sungai Long Campus on 21 October 2023. This colloquium brought together UTAR ICPs, academic staff, postgraduate students, experts, and professionals from various universities and industries, to share and exchange information on their research proposals and research findings. This colloquium served as a platform for networking and exploring possible research collaborations in multi-disciplinary fields.

Prof Faidz giving his speech

Vice President for R&D and Commercialisation Prof Ts Dr Faidz bin Abd Rahman in his opening remark said, “This colloquium signifies a significant milestone in our university's commitment to advancing research, innovation, and collaboration. This year’s theme, "Secure Environment," is both timely and critical in today's world, where security concerns affect various aspects of our lives, from technology and health to society and education.”

Prof Mohd giving his keynote speech

The colloquium commenced with keynote lectures, moderated by Prof Lim, featuring speakers from both international and local backgrounds, each with their own areas of expertise. The first keynote address was delivered by UCSI University Prof Dr Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi, and his presentation titled "Repositioning Science within Society" underscored the lack of emphasis on science in the daily lives of Malaysians. He pointed out that science does not play a significant role in the political, social, spiritual, academic, or community aspects of their lives. Toward the end of his talk, he outlined strategies for reintegrating science into society, which included leveraging social media, generating news coverage, influencing political leaders, and involving academia.

Prof Nam-Trung giving his keynote speech

The second keynote speaker, Prof Dr Nam-Trung Nguyen from Griffith University in Australia, presented a keynote titled " Micro Elastofluidics: Elasticity and Flexibility for Efficient Microscale Liquid Handling". In his presentation, he discussed how micro elastofluidics aims to address the functional limitations in wearable and implantable devices. These limitations included the absence of essential functions like fluid handling (such as pumping, mixing, filtration, and dosing), fluid storage (for reagents and waste), and actuation for conformal attachment.

Prof Normaz giving her keynote speech

The third keynote presentation was delivered by Prof Dr Normaz Wana Ismail from Universiti Putra Malaysia, and her lecture was titled "How International Trade Can Achieve Food Security: Issues & Challenges”. Prof Normaz noted that between 702 million and 828 million people worldwide experienced hunger in 2021, marking a 10% increase since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. Her talk encompassed several subjects, such as comprehending the concept of food security, the connection between international trade and food security, as well as the associated issues and challenges.

Prof Maria giving her keynote speech

The final keynote lecture was delivered by Prof Dr Maria Zenaidi Sarabia-Panol from Middle Tennessee State University in the United States, and her topic was “Resilience and Engagement: The Media and Communication Perspectives”. She elaborated on how community resilience results from the interplay of four adaptable elements: economic progress, social connectivity, information and communication, and community competency. Prof Maria concluding remarks emphasised, “We have a role and responsibility to play as media and communication consumers, practitioners, and scholars to stem infodemics if we want to sustain engagement, security and resilience in offline and online environments.”

A parallel session was conducted, which addressed four different research areas, namely Engineering and Technology with its theme ‘Interdisciplinary Research and Practice’; Science, Medical and Health, TCM with its theme ‘Sustainability: Innovations in Science, Medical and Health, TCM’; Arts and Social Science with its theme ‘Harnessing Innovative and Digital Technologies in Enabling Business, Economic, Environmental and Food Security’; Teaching and Learning with its theme ‘Building a Resilient and Engaging Society’.

Participants during the parallel session

The parallel session was followed by a multi-disciplinary research proposal presentation.

Dr Yong giving closing speech

Dr Yong said, “I would like to especially thank the four keynote speakers, Prof Dr Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi, Prof Dr Nam-Trung Nguyen, Prof Dr Normaz Wana Ismail, Prof Dr Maria Zenaidi Sarabia- Panol, as well as, all the researchers from various universities, for sharing your valuable knowledge in the areas of Engineering & Technology; Science, Medical and Health, TCM; Art and Social Science and Teaching and Learning.”

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