GXUCM visit: UTAR, UTAR Hospital, and GXUCM sign MoA

Prof Yao (seated; fourth from right) and Prof Dato’ Ewe (seated; fourth from left) with GXUCM, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine delegates and UTAR staff

UTAR, UTAR Hospital, and Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine (GXUCM) signed a memorandum of agreement (MoA) at UTAR Sungai Long Campus on 20 October 2023. The purpose of the agreement signing was to offer the Research Attachment Programme to GXUCM postgraduate students at UTAR Hospital.

The MoA was signed by UTAR President Ir Prof Dato’ Dr Ewe Hong Tat, UTAR Hospital CEO and Medical Director Prof Dr Lau Hui-Ping and GXUCM President Prof Dr Yao Chun.

Prof Dato’ Ewe said, “Following the signing ceremony, our aspiration is that students from both universities will have the opportunity to sustain and expand exchange internship programmes in the future. This will not only facilitate mutual learning but also foster cultural exchange and deeper cross-border understanding, enriching their global perspectives. Furthermore, we anticipate that the launching ceremony of both the “Guangxi-Malaysia Centre for Traditional Chinese Medicine” and the Training and Promotion Centre for the TCM Preventive Treatment Mode of “The Four Images of Spleen-earth Harmonising the Five Internal Organs” will thrive and evolve, thereby making substantial contributions to the traditional Chinese medicine industry in both nations and ultimately benefiting the wider public.”

Prof Dato’ Ewe delivering his speech

Prof Yao said, “I firmly believe that this exchange and the agreement signing will offer fresh and substantial support for our practical and precise partnership, fostering the continuous transformation of technological achievements and charting a path toward a prosperous future of mutual growth. We envision this agreement as an opportunity for both parties to realise resource sharing and leverage each other’s strengths, thereby intensifying cooperation and exchanges in the fields of traditional medicine, healthcare, scientific education, and platform development. Together, we are dedicated to advancing the high-quality development of traditional medicine and making meaningful contributions to the collective well-being of humanity.”

Prof Yao delivering her speech

From left: Prof Lau, Prof Dato’ Ewe and Prof Yao

In conjunction with the signing ceremony, two centres under the partnership of UTAR and GXUCM were also launched. The two centres were the Guangxi-Malaysia Centre for Traditional Chinese Medicine (广西-马来西亚中医药中心), and the Guangxi-Malaysia Training and Promotion Centre for the TCM Preventive Treatment Mode of “The Four Images of Spleen-earth Harmonising the Five Internal Organs” (广西-马来西亚四象脾土和五脏治未病模式培训与推广中心).

The event also witnessed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signing ceremony between UTAR Hospital and The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine (广西中医药大学第一附属医院). The MoU was signed by Prof Lau and First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine Prof Dr Xie Sheng.

Prof Lau (left) and Prof Xie jointly unveiled the plaques for the two centres

Also present at the signing and launching ceremony were GXUCM President Office Head and Planning Division Director Prof Lan Baokai, International Exchange and Cooperation Office Director Prof Jiang Jichang, Achievements Transformation and Social Services Office Director Prof Tang Hongzhen, Guangxi Key Laboratory of Efficacy Study on Chinese Materia Medica Deputy Managing Director Prof Hao Erwei, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and Moxibustion Chief Dr Li Shengyong, Chinese Medicine and Preventive Disease Centre Deputy Chief Dr Liu Yuanyuan, Chinese Medicine Health Management Centre Associate Chief Nurse Ms Liu Qian, Hospital Office Deputy Head Dr Tan Jinjing and Chinese Medicine and Preventive Disease Centre Resident Physician Dr Li Ling.

Representing UTAR at the event were M. Kandiah Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) Deputy Dean for Student Development and Industrial Training Assoc Prof Dr Leong Pooi Pooi, UTAR Hospital T&CM Centre Director Assoc Prof Dr Te Kian Keong, FMHS Department of Chinese Medicine Head Dr Leu Kim Fey, FMHS Head of Postgraduate Programmes (Medical Sciences) Assoc Prof Dr Fong Lai Yen, FMHS Head of Postgraduate Programmes (Chinese Medicine) Dr Teh Siew Hoon and Division of Community and International Networking (DCInterNet) Director Assoc Prof Dr Lai Soon Onn.

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