MBBS White Coat Ceremony 2023

UTAR M. Kandiah Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) recently held a White Coat Ceremony for Year 1 and Year 2 students of UTAR Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery programme (MBBS) on 22 November 2023 at UTAR Multipurpose Hall. The purpose of the ceremony was to celebrate the students’ official transition to the professional medical world.

Front row, from left: Prof Boo, Datuk Looi and Prof Cheong with MK FMHS lecturers and MBBS students

The ceremony was attended by around 250 attendees consisting of students, parents and staff. Also present were UTAR M. Kandiah Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (MK FMHS) former Dean Academician Emeritus Prof Dr Cheong Soon Keng, University of Malaya Faculty of Medicine Academician Datuk Prof Ulung Dr Looi Lai-Meng, MK FMHS academic Emeritus Prof Dr Boo Nem Yun and MK FMHS lecturers.

Prof Cheong giving a speech

The White Coat Ceremony officially began with a speech from Prof Cheong, who congratulated the students, saying, “Throughout my academic career, I have attended countless white coat ceremonies. Yet, it has never failed to brighten me that another batch of students has achieved the milestone of donning the white coat, a ceremony that marks their significant rite of passage to begin their apprenticeship in the field of medicine. Well done students! Diligently brace yourself with the latest knowledge and skills, and humbly learn from your mentors, peers and even patients. It is not going to be an easy journey, but a truly satisfying and rewarding one.”

Datuk Looi delivering her speech

Presenting a speech on “Standing up for Life”, Datuk Looi began her session by asking the students why they wanted to become medical doctors. “It could be for simple reasons such as job security, money, prestige or family tradition. However, this can also be considered a noble calling, a life of worth, a service profession or even a lifelong commitment.” She concluded her speech with a quote by Lao Tzu, an ancient Chinese philosopher, saying, “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”

Datuk Looi (left) receiving a souvenir from Prof Cheong

The ceremony continued with the presentation of souvenirs to Datuk Looi and the distribution of white coats to the students. After the white coat distribution, the ceremony witnessed the recital of the Oath of Commitment by the students. The oath served as a pledge of acceptance to all the duties and responsibilities associated with their profession.

Students receiving their white coats

MBBS students reciting the oath

Lee speaking on behalf of the MBBS students

A speech was given by MBBS Student Representative, Lee Jun Wei. “In my view, the white coat symbolises not only our progression into the medical world but also a sense of belonging. To be honest, pursuing medical study is anything but easy; I’m sure none of us would argue. Thinking back to our first day of entering the medical school, we knew nothing. After a year of forcefully squeezing information into our prefrontal cortex, I’m glad that we’ve made it through. Today, we are here with smiles on our faces and white coats on our shoulders.”

Singing and music performances by Year 2 MBBS students

Video made by MBBS students

Dance performance by the organising committee

The ceremony continued with singing and music performances by Year 2 MBBS students. A few light-hearted videos made by the MBBS students were also played at the event. Finally, the ceremony ended with a dance performance by the organising committee of the White Coat Ceremony 2023, and a group photo session.

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