Four entrepreneurs invited to share their invaluable journeys

From left: Mr Elvin Kwa, Mr Ryan Lim, Mr Lim, Dato’ Calvin Chan and Mr Stanley Goh

UTAR Champion Networking Group Entrepreneurship Forum titled “My entrepreneurial journey” was jointly organised by the Chancellery, the Department of Alumni Relations and Placement (DARP) and the UTAR Alumni Association of Malaysia on 9 September 2023 at Sungai Long Campus.

The forum drew the participation of four distinguished entrepreneurs, each a luminary in their respective fields to share their invaluable entrepreneurial journeys and insights with the audience. The four entrepreneurs were Oriental Kopi and Beutea Founder Dato’ Calvin Chan, Champion Networking Group Marketing Director Mr Ryan Lim, Malaysia Art Education Association President Mr Stanley Goh and Italuxe Smart Lock Door Founder Mr Elvin Kwa. The moderator of the forum was UTAR Chancellery Head, Mr Lim Swea Jen.

Mr Elvin Kwa, the first speaker, shared his lifelong dream of being an entrepreneur. He invested RM15,000 to start a computer store, which sadly closed within a year. Undaunted, he ventured into the building materials and real estate industries. With persistence and capital accumulation, he founded Italuxe Smart Lock and MK Curtain. His journey taught him the value of resilience. He said, “Iron cannot become a quality steel without repeated tempering.” (不经百炼,何以成钢) Elvin Kwa’s story inspired determination and growth.

Elvin Kwa sharing his experience

The second speaker was Mr Stanley Goh. He began his speech with a touch of humour, revealing that his initial dream was to become an architect. His childhood was filled with drawings of buildings, earning him recognition from family and friends who saw his innate artistic talent. Encouraged by their support, he set his foot on the artistic path. Over the years, he accumulated a multitude of achievements in the art world, receiving numerous awards both at home and abroad. His remarkable journey led him to the prestigious Top Ten Outstanding Young Malaysian Award in 2017. Today, he proudly holds the position of President of the Malaysia Art Education Association, who founded the Top Art & Creative Art Center. In closing, he offered words of encouragement to the audience, urging them to persist in their pursuit of dreams. He emphasised that unwavering dedication would invariably lead to extraordinary accomplishments.

Mr Stanley Goh advising the audience

Mr Ryan Lim, a successful UTAR alumnus and accomplished businessman, shared his two remarkable journeys at the forum. The first, in Taekwondo, saw him overcome early setbacks through unwavering dedication and goal-setting, eventually reaching the pinnacle as a world champion. After university, he applied the same mindset to business, becoming a marketing consultant for over 100 SMEs, holding Guinness World Records, and earning numerous prestigious awards. With a substantial social media following of two million fans, he firmly believes that success hinges on clear goals, continuous self-improvement, tenacity, and the belief that “nothing is impossible”.

Ryan Lim emphasing the importance of goal-setting

The final speaker, Dato’ Calvin Chan, shared his entrepreneurial journey at the forum. After high school, he chose not to pursue further education at a university and instead opened a mobile phone shop in his hometown, Bukit Tinggi. Overcoming challenges, he shifted into mobile phone wholesaling, eventually becoming a sales champion for a specific brand. With substantial wealth, he founded the local mobile phone brand Leagoo. Dato’ Calvin Chan garnered various business awards and received Malaysia’s Top Ten Outstanding Youth Award in 2020. He has also ventured into the food and beverage industry, establishing Black Whale, Oriental Kopi, and Beutea. In conclusion, he stressed that entrepreneurship involves facing numerous obstacles, but staying humble and open to criticism is the key to success. Drawing from his own experiences, he encouraged the audience, saying, “The harder you work, the luckier you become.”

The forum ended with a Q&A session, a lucky draw session and a group photography session.

Dato’ Calvin Chan answering questions from the attendees

Speakers and attendees at the end of the forum

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