Launching Ceremony: Changing Minds, Changing Lives

UTAR Department of Soft Skills Competency launched the “Changing Minds, Changing Lives” Stress Management Series in honour of the late Professor Dr M Parameshvara Deva on 6 August 2023 via Zoom.

The series brought together some of the most accomplished and insightful speakers and professionals from the medical and psychiatric fields to share knowledge, experiences, and strategies with the participants and equip them with the tools to manage stress and enhance their well-being.

The launching ceremony began with a speech by UTAR President Ir Prof Dato’ Dr Ewe Hong Tat. Prof Dato’ Ewe expressed a warm welcome to all the participants for gathering together at the launching ceremony. He then said, “This series not only seeks to address the challenges posed by stress but also foster a culture of empathy and compassion. By participating in these sessions, we are not just gaining knowledge but also embarking on a journey of self-discovery, understanding, and growth”.

Prof Dato’ Ewe delivering his speech

The ceremony continued with a tribute video in honour of the late Prof Deva. Moving on, there was a sharing by Prof Dr Jenny Parameshvara Deva @ nee Ng Gek Pheng. Prof Jenny began the session with some highlights of the late Prof Deva’s life. “Prof Deva loved his work,” said Prof Jenny. According to Prof Jenny, Prof Deva created stress management centres in the Asia Pacific Region such as Mongolia, India, Cook Island and Fiji Island. Prof Jenny also explained Prof Deva’s worldwide recognition for leadership qualities. Prof Jenny ended her sharing with a quote, saying, “Thank you all for attending and I hope you put what you have learnt today into practice for your well-being.”

Sharing by Prof Jenny (top right)

MMoving on, there was a sharing session conducted by Prof Dr Xavier V Pereira, a consultant psychiatrist and psychotherapist as well as an adjunct professor (Psychiatry) at Taylor’s University School of Medicine. Prof Xavier’s sharing focused on understanding and managing stress. Prof Xavier began by defining stress to the audience. According to him, stress is a transaction, a relationship between a person and the environment that was appraised by the person as taxing his or her resources and endangering his or her well-being. Stress can also be defined as a mismatch between perceived demands and perceived ability to cope. Prof Xavier also explained the Yerkes- Dodson Law where good stress was eustress and bad stress was distress. He also mentioned the factors associated with stress, sources of stress among students as well as signs and symptoms of stress. On top of that, Prof Xavier also taught the audience the ways to manage stress. He ended his sharing, saying, “I hope that this presentation has been helpful.”

Sharing by Prof Xavier

The launching ceremony of Changing Minds, Changing Lives ended with a stress level test or self-assessment Q&A session. 

Group photo

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