SAAS visits Kampar Campus

From left: Dr Chen, Dr Ali Yassoralipour, Dr Pedram Kashiani, Dr Lim, Prof Choong, Prof Li, Dr Qi, Dr Jia, Dr Li Bo, Dr Li Hongdui and Dr Guo

UTAR Kampar Campus received a visit from the delegates of the Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences (SAAS) on 20 October 2023. The purpose of the visit was to build rapport, promote mutual understanding between UTAR and SAAS and discuss opportunities for future collaboration.

The delegates from SAAS were led by President Prof Li Xiangdong. He was accompanied by Base Management Center Head Dr Jia Xi, Corn Research Institute Director Dr Qi Shijun, Grape Research Institute Director Dr Li Bo, International Cooperation Department Deputy Director Dr Li Hongdui and Peanut Research Institute Assistant Researcher and Translator Dr Guo Zhiqing.

They were welcomed by UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, who was accompanied by Faculty of Science (FSc) Dean Assoc Prof Dr Lim Tuck Meng, Division of Community and International Networking (DCInterNet) Deputy Director Dr Chen, I-Chi, FSc Department of Agricultural and Food Science Head Dr Ali Yassoralipour, FSc academic Dr Pedram Kashiani and UTAR staff.

Prof Choong (middle, right) and Prof Li (middle, left)

In his welcome remarks, Prof Choong shared a brief introduction about UTAR and FSc Department of Agricultural and Food Science, and the collaboration history between both institutions over the years. Prof Choong said, “The official partnership between UTAR and SAAS started in 2017. Since then, we have carried out several collaborations, especially research collaboration with FSc. In June this year, UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Ir Prof Dr Goi Bok Min represented UTAR to attend the High-level Forum on Shandong International Flower Science and Technology Cooperation. During the forum, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) exchange ceremony between UTAR and SAAS was held. The MoU aimed to carry out cooperation in agricultural science research and talent cultivation.”

He added, “UTAR is honoured to carry out agricultural and plant-related research with SAAS, one of the famous academies of agricultural sciences in China with a long history which started during the Qing Dynasty. This provides us the opportunity to learn from the experience of SAAS, in order to make our agricultural science-related departments better.” He looks forward to the future collaboration between both institutions.

Prof Li thanked UTAR for the arrangement and said, “We are glad to visit UTAR to further explore the feasibility of the cooperation, and deepen the existing cooperation between SAAS and UTAR. Furthermore, I believe that UTAR Kampar Campus has plenty of room for development in the agricultural and relevant disciplines.” He also shared the history, institutional structure and research scope, workforce, innovation platforms, technology innovation achievements, international cooperation and the future prospect of SAAS.

The meeting was followed by a fruitful discussion on possible collaborations between both institutions in the future. The discussion topics included joint cultivation of doctoral students, talent exchanges, experimental planting, research cooperation, plant pathology and pests, and crop harvest, to name a few.

Souvenir exchange between Prof Choong (right) and Prof Li

Prior to the meeting, the delegates visited several places of attraction, such as Dewan Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik, Bronze Sculptures and more at Kampar Campus. It was led by Dr Chen. They also visited the Agricultural Park and FSc labs.

Group photos at Bronze Sculptures (left) and Dewan Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik (right)


A visit to the Agricultural Park

SAAS is a preeminent driving force of agricultural technology innovation in Shandong, playing a vital role in advancing agricultural development in the Huang-Huai-Hai Region, with its comprehensive strength topping the list of provincial agricultural academies in China. SAAS focuses on the development of eight major academic disciplines. The Academy’s major research field covers 44 disciplines, including grain and cash crops, pomology, vegetables, livestock, poultry, sericulture, resources and environment, crop protection, quality and safety control of agricultural products, intensive processing of agricultural produce, agricultural microbiology, agricultural biotechnology, information and remote sensing technology, agricultural machinery, nutrition and health, agricultural robots, flower genetics and breeding.

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