UTAR and Meiziya combine the wisdom of traditional medicine with cutting-edge science and technology

UTAR and Meiziya International Sdn Bhd officially forged a partnership with the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) at UTAR Kampar Campus on 7 September 2023.

Prof Dato’ Ewe (second from left) and Mr Goh (second from right) signing the MoU documents to formalise the partnership between UTAR and Meiziya International Sdn Bhd; witnessed by Prof Choong (left) and Mr Teh (right)

Signing the MoU were UTAR President Ir Prof Dato’ Dr Ewe Hong Tat and Founder of Meiziya International Sdn Bhd Mr Andy Goh Ching Mun, while witnessing the signing ceremony were UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong and Co-Founder of Meiziya International Sdn Bhd Mr Teh Choon Wai.

Prof Dato’ Ewe (second from left) and Mr Goh (second from right) exchanging the signed MoU documents

Also present at the signing ceremony were guests from Meiziya International Sdn Bhd, namely Mrs Teh Choon Wai, Meiziya International Sdn Bhd Chief Marketing Officer Ms Micco Goh, Meiziya International Sdn Bhd Chief Operating Officer Mr Lawrenz P’ng, Meiziya International Sdn Bhd Chief Trainer and Business Strategist Mr Wayne Chew and Meiziya International Sdn Bhd Senior Marketing Manager Mr Tay Chee Wee.

Guests from UTAR included Faculty of Science (FSc) Deputy Dean for R&D and Postgraduate Programmes Dr Phoon Lee Quen, FSc Deputy Dean for Student Development and Industrial Training Assoc Prof Dr Sit Nam Weng, FSc Department of Allied Health Sciences Head Dr Teh Lai Kuan, Division of Community and International Networking Deputy Director Dr Chen I-Chi, FSc academics and UTAR staff.

Prof Dato’ Ewe elucidating the importance of university-industry collaboration

UTAR President Prof Dato’ Ewe said, “UTAR has always welcomed industrial organisations with a shared philosophy to establish long-term and fruitful partnerships with us. The industrial philosophy upheld by Meiziya International Sdn Bhd that integrates ancient therapy and modern technology resonates with our educational philosophy, which embraces both traditional and modern cultures. Though we are learning from modernity, we should not overlook the traditional wisdom passed down to us. Traditional and modern cultures could be integrated with each other as they could develop concepts that are more in line with social needs. Therefore, we are happy to officially welcome Meiziya International Sdn Bhd as one of our industry partners.”

Mr Goh hoping the partnership will pave a better future for society

Meanwhile, Meiziya International Sdn Bhd Founder Mr Goh, said, “The signing of this MoU does not only signify the partnership of Meiziya and UTAR, but also symbolises the convergence of the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine and modern technology; and the unwavering pursuit of better healthcare. Both institutions will work together to create mutually beneficial results in many areas and prepare for future challenges. This partnership will drive our developments and contribute to the society as a whole, paving the way for a better future.”

The ceremony reached its highlight with Prof Dato’ Ewe signing and exchanging the MoU documents. Curtains were drawn after a souvenir presentation and group photograph session.

Souvenir exchange ceremony between UTAR and Meiziya International Sdn Bhd

Front row, from left: Mr Teh, Mr Goh, Prof Dato’ Ewe and Prof Choong smile for a memorable click with all the guests and staff

After the ceremony, the Meiziya International Sdn Bhd delegation also toured the UTAR Gallery, and visited several places of attraction at Kampar Campus and UTAR Hospital.

Guests and staff touring around the Campus

Tagged the company with the slogan “Modernised, Simple and Convenient”, Meiziya pledges modern pharmaceutical new technology methods to transform ancient traditional remedies into a series of wellness therapies in just one capsule for a wholesome internal organ activation of the 12 Meridians. From processing to packaging, Meiziya maintains premium standards of quality, freshness and 100 per cent natural.

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