Public Relations students promote sustainable recycling project at SJK (C) Kampung Bali, Tronoh

Aimed at enlightening young students about environmental responsibility, a total of 13 undergraduates from the Bachelor of Communication (Honours) Public Relations programme at UTAR visited SJK (C) Kampung Bali in Tronoh to launch the “Sustainable Steps Recycling” project on 20 September 2023.  

The educational project was also a part of the undergraduates’ graded coursework for the UAMP3084 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) course in the June 2023 trimester.

Student project leader Tiang Hui Yee said, “We spent weeks meticulously planning and developing an expansive educational programme aimed at sparking children’s innate curiosity while elevating their level of environmental responsibility. Aligned with SDG 12 on responsible consumption and production, and SDG 13 on climate action, the event infused practical lessons on waste reduction, energy conservation, and climate resilience. To ensure the sustainability and long-term impact of the event, a structured evaluation framework was meticulously implemented. This will allow for the continuous monitoring and assessment of the initiative’s outcomes.”

“For us as undergraduates, this project serves as an invaluable learning experience with hands-on practice in planning, executing, and assessing a CSR initiative. It’s a significant stepping stone that bridges theoretical learning with real-world application. For the students at SJK (C) Kampung Bali, this initiative is more than just a one-day event; it’s the beginning of a lifelong journey towards environmental responsibility and sustainability,” she added.

Headmistress Madam Lee Fong Foon expressed her support for this collaborative endeavour. “The importance of practical environmental education cannot be overstated,” she remarked. “This laudable initiative by the UTAR PR students not only educates but also serves as a transformative experience. Through a range of meticulously planned and enriching activities, our students’ understanding of environmental issues has been significantly expanded.”

Course lecturer Assoc Prof Dr Cheah Phaik Kin from the Department of Public Relations at the Faculty of Arts and Social Science (FAS) commented, “The practical approach is directly aligned with UTAR’s broader mission of nurturing socially and environmentally conscious individuals. It moves beyond theoretical understanding to empower the primary school students to act as ambassadors for environmental sustainability.”

“This project, as part of the CSR course, equips our undergraduates with the practical skills and ethical grounding essential for a career in Communications and Public Relations. It moves beyond theoretical understanding to provide them with real-world experience in executing CSR initiatives. This not only makes them more employable but also prepares them for the diverse roles they will undertake as future public relations practitioners. In essence, we are not just nurturing socially and environmentally conscious individuals; we are shaping professionals ready to champion environmental sustainability in their respective fields.”

Ts Dr Wong Ling Yong from UTAR’s Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology presented an interactive session to educate the students on the importance of recycling, waste management and environmental responsibility. Dr Wong explained how recycling helps cut down on the use of new materials, thus saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. His talk aimed to teach children about the long-term benefits of responsible behaviour towards the environment, helping them become more aware of sustainability issues from an early age.

Following the talk, UTAR PR undergraduates led a series of interactive, hands-on activities. The students engaged in crafting two environmentally friendly items, namely self-watering plant devices and conservation signs, both made from recycled materials. Participants were guided through the step-by-step process of turning plastic water bottles and used strings into sub-irrigated pots. Each child received a bean sprout seedling to plant in their crafted pots, encouraging continued engagement with environmental practices at home. The initiative extended its positive impact beyond the students to include their families and the wider community.

The day reached its climax with a small group discussion to gauge the depth of students’ understanding of the key issues covered. The session provided UTAR students with invaluable insights into the children’s grasp of vital environmental topics such as recycling and energy conservation. Finally, the undergraduates led the students in reciting environmental protection pledges. These pledges served to reinforce the day’s educational objectives, leaving a lasting and meaningful impression on the participants about the importance of environmental conservation and responsible living.

Madam Lee concluded, “As we look to the future, our school remains steadfastly committed to instilling environmental protection habits from an early age. In this vein, we plan to continually host enriching environmental activities and introduce specialised environmental education classes. All these efforts are part of our unwavering commitment to sustainable development and responsible student behaviour.”

Students hold up handcrafted conservation signs made from recycled materials, marking their commitment to a greener future

Headmistress Madam Lee (centre) presenting a token of appreciation to Dr Cheah (right), witnessed by student project leader Tiang

Dr Wong delivering an interactive talk on the importance of recycling and responsible waste management, aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals

Students proudly displaying their self-watering plant devices crafted from recycled materials, embodying the spirit of sustainable living

A sea of young faces holding up their conservation signs, each crafted from recycled materials, symbolising their joint commitment to a greener future

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