Transformative trends in insurance and financial services

On 8 April 2024, the Centre for Entrepreneurial Sustainability (CENTS) welcomed CEO and Founder of AWG Agency Mr Andrew Wong, who is also an alumnus of UTAR, to illuminate the evolving terrain of insurance and financial services. The talk, held at UTAR  Sungai Long Campus, offered a comprehensive overview of industry dynamics and technological integration.

Mr Andrew Wong delivers opening remarks

Mr Andrew Wong, reflecting on his journey from a UTAR engineering graduate to a financial services innovator, highlighted the transformative impact of digital technology on the industry. He conveyed how digitalisation has revolutionised client interactions and streamlined financial product management, emphasising the transition from manual processes to digital efficiency.

The financial service industry’s evolution, as Mr Andrew Wong noted, challenged professionals to stay ahead through continuous learning and adaptation. He underscored the significance of digital innovation in propelling the sector forward, advocating for a blend of traditional knowledge and new tech prowess to enhance service delivery and market penetration.

Mr Andrew Wong also touched on the societal benefits of insurance and financial planning, pointing out their critical role in securing individual and family futures. He stressed the importance of viewing insurance not just as a business venture but as a fundamental element of comprehensive life planning.

The event wrapped up with UTAR presenting a souvenir to Mr Andrew Wong in gratitude for his enlightening talk, followed by a group photo session.

Dr Sia (left) presenting a souvenir to Mr Andrew Wong

Mr Andrew Wong (front row, third from right) with UTAR staff and students

Students discussing with AWG managers

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