To raise awareness and educate the UTAR community and local members on various topics related to life, death, and the human experience, the UTAR Centre for Healthy Minds & Wellbeing of the Department of Student Affairs (DSA), Kampar Campus collaborated with Xiao En Group to successfully organise the groundbreaking “Living – The Life and Death Expo 2024” from 16 to 17 March 2024 at UTAR Kampar Campus.
Themed ‘Living the Life’, the Life and Death Expo 2024 was organised to illuminate the relationship between life, death, and wellbeing. The primary objective of the Expo was to address the issue of suicide prevention among young people, which emerged as a pressing concern requiring immediate attention. Therefore, through a series of extensive discussions and informative activities, the Expo aimed to dismantle the stigma associated with mental health challenges and cultivate a culture of empathy and understanding.
To engage the participants and stimulate meaningful conversations, the Expo was substantiated with a diverse array of activities. From interactive exhibitions exploring the degrees of life and death to workshops focusing on coping strategies and mental well-being, there was something for everyone.
Among the talks and workshops held were “Story from life and death” by Mr Fong Yee Leong; “The truth behind death” by Dr Tan Ran Zhi; “Suicide prevention” by Mr Pheh Kai Shuen; “Journey of stories: Exploring life through picture books” by Mr Kelvin Leong; and “The journey through grief” by Mr Chong Chee Wai.
From left: Ms Chen, Ms Wong, Dato’ Chan, Dato’ Ir Ang, Prof Dato’ Ewe, Dato’ Frank Choo, Prof Choong and Mr Ng
Visitors at the launching ceremony
The highlight of the Expo was the launch which was held on 16 March 2024. The Life and Death Expo 2024 was officially launched by UTAR President Ir Prof Dato’ Dr Ewe Hong Tat. In his opening speech, he expressed, “The Life and Death Expo is a meaningful event, aiming not only to promote life education but also to provide a platform for participants to deeply envision the essence of life and death. Discussing death may seem taboo and fearful in Eastern societies, but it’s an unavoidable discussion each of us will encounter. Similarly, thinking about the meaning of life is a lifelong mission for many. I hope through today’s event, the participants will embrace the expo’s theme of “Living the Life”, look at life from death to find answers to their questions and rediscover the essence of living.”
Prof Dato’ Ewe officiating the launch of the Life and Death Expo 2024
Prof Dato’ Ewe added, “UTAR is dedicated not only to academic excellence but also to fostering students’ holistic development. Extracurricular activities are encouraged to cultivate students’ humanistic qualities and soft skills, aiming to nurture future pillars of society. The University strongly advocates for community engagement, encouraging both teachers and students to partake in diverse extracurricular and community activities to contribute to societal progress and well-being.”
He concluded his speech by extending his appreciation to the organising committee, event helpers, staff, co-organiser, Xiao En Group, and sponsors including the Yayasan Belia Buddhist Malaysia, and Avia Kapital Foundation.
The Organising Chairperson of Life and Death Expo 2024, Ms Chen Ke Xian said, “The Life and Death Expo 2024 embodies a vision of creating a society characterised by empathy, understanding, and active engagement in suicide prevention efforts. By breaking the silence surrounding these sensitive topics and fostering a culture of compassion, we hope to empower individuals to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.”
Also present at the launching ceremony were Managing Director of Xiao En Group Dato’ Frank Choo Chuo Siong, Chairman of Yayasan Belia Buddhist Malaysia Dato’ Ir Ang Choo Hong, Founder of Avia Kapital Foundation Dato’ Ts Chan Wah Kiang, Honorary Chief Operating Officer of Yayasan Belia Buddhist Malaysia Ms Wong Sook Kim, UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, Head of DSA Kampar Mr Chiang Jeng Fong, and Manager of UTAR Centre for Healthy Minds and Wellbeing Mr Ng Foo Yek.
The Expo served as a catalyst for change, igniting conversations that have the power to transform lives and communities. It was thronged by more than 1,200 visitors throughout the two days.
The guests touring the expo after the launching ceremony
Intriguing workshops conducted at the Life and Death Expo 2024
Speakers delivering their meaningful insights on life and death
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