Marketing Poster Competition showcases students' talent and teamwork

The Marketing Poster Competition prize-giving ceremony was held on 22 April 2024 at UTAR Sungai Long Campus. It was organised by the Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS) for students enrolled in the FHBM 1124 Marketing course. The event celebrated the culmination of a competition that highlighted the practical application of marketing theories in a real-world context.

Ms Goy (fourth from right) and Ms Ngo (third from right) with the Champion team “Marrypie”, First Runner-up team “Milo Ice Cream” and Second Runner-up team “Dream Crackers”

The ceremony was officiated by CFS academic Ms Ngo Siau Woon, who expressed enthusiasm for the students’ enjoyment of the assignment and the creation of their posters, noting that they received a response akin to a visual picture. She also stressed the importance of applying the concepts learned in the classroom to real-world scenarios, emphasising the need to cultivate creativity and enhance communication skills, which she viewed as crucial in the field of marketing. Also present was Ms Goy Ling Ling, Head of the Department of Management and Accountancy, who showed her support for the students and the initiative, echoing Ms Ngo’s encouragement and commitment to practical learning.

Designed to achieve two primary goals, the competition allowed students to directly apply theoretical concepts from their marketing course to craft persuasive and innovative marketing posters. It also aimed to foster a spirit of creativity and original thought among the participants, encouraging them to think outside the box and develop captivating marketing strategies.

The event celebrated the achievements of 35 groups who participated in the competition, each presenting a poster that demonstrated their understanding and creativity. The ceremony acknowledged T2 Group 2’s “Marrypie” as the Champion for their outstanding marketing strategy and design. The First Runner-up was T1 Group 4’s “Milo Ice Cream”, followed by T8 Group 2’s “Dream Crackers” as the Second Runner-up. Each group demonstrated exceptional ability to integrate marketing concepts with creative design, earning them accolades and recognition.

The Marketing Poster Competition at CFS Sungai Long Campus was more than just an academic exercise; it was a celebration of student creativity and a practical test of their marketing acumen. The competition not only provided a platform for students to showcase their talents but also reinforced the university’s dedication to blending theoretical knowledge with practical application.

The Champion team - T2 Group 3

The First Runner-up team - T1 Group 4

The Second Runner-up team - T8 Group 2

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