Forum delves into Malaysia's multicultural heritage and China's mythical legacy

Front row, from left: Ms Yan, Prof Tee, Mr Daniel Chian, Ms Jin, Ms Xu, Dr Chin, Dr Aloysius Yap and Ms Chen

UTAR Sungai Long Campus hosted a forum titled “The Classic of Mountains and Seas and Intangible Cultural Heritage Exchange Forum” (山海经暨中华非遗文化交流论坛) celebrating the 50th anniversary of the cultural cooperation between China and Malaysia on 2 August 2024.

The event featured respected guests, including Shanghai Women’s Talent Research Centre (上海市女性人才研究中心) Deputy Secretary General Ms Jin Huiru, Hylink Charity Foundation Chairperson Ms Xu Chenfei, Founder of the Opera The Classic of Mountains and Seas Ms Yan Wen, Director of the Opera Mr Zhou Wei, Director of the Shanghai Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance Research Institute Ms Chen Bi Yun, Chairman Fairview Schools Berhad Mr Daniel Chian and Principal of Fairview International School Subang Campus Prof Tee Siok Hoon.

Representing UTAR President Ir Prof Dato’ Dr Ewe Hong Tat at the event was the Institute of Chinese Studies Deputy Dean for R&D and Postgraduate Programmes, Assoc Prof Dr Chin Chong Foh, who warmly welcomed the guests. In his opening remarks, Dr Chin highlighted the enduring friendship between China and Malaysia, emphasising the importance of cultural exchange in fostering mutual understanding and camaraderie. He emphasised that events like these deepen cultural exchange and strengthen the bonds between the peoples of China and Malaysia.

Dr Chin representing Prof Dato’ Ewe to deliver a welcome remark

Before the forum began, the guests exchanged souvenirs with Dr Chin and took a group photo, symbolising the goodwill and cooperative spirit shared by the participants. The forum was structured into four sessions, each offering unique insights into the cultural heritage of Malaysia and China.

Souvenir exchange session with Ms Jin (left photo) and Ms Yan (right photo)

Second from left: Ms Chen, Ms Xu, Dr Aloysius Yap, Dr Chin, Ms Jin, Ms Yan, Mr Daniel Chian and Prof Tee 

The first session featured Dr Chin, who discussed Malaysia’s Baba Nyonya culture. He highlighted Malaysia’s multicultural and multiracial society and explained the uniqueness of Baba Nyonya culture and its origins. Dr Chin introduced the long-lasting relationship between China and Malaysia, dating back to the 1400s, and shared stories about well-known Malaysian celebrities including Hollywood Director Mr James Wan and Oscar Best Actress Award Winner, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Michelle Yeoh. His speech was both humorous and engaging, captivating the audience with its lively delivery.

The second session was led by UTAR Faculty of Creative Industries (FCI) academic Dr Aloysius Yap, who introduced the rich culture of East Malaysia, particularly Sarawak, home to many indigenous peoples, including the Kadazan and Iban communities. Dr Yap began his talk by welcoming the guests in the Iban language, which added a personal and authentic touch to his presentation. He also explored the vibrant culture of the Iban community during the forum session, providing participants with valuable insights into the Iban community.

Dr Chin (left) and Dr Aloysius Yap

In the third session, Ms Yan and Mr Zhou introduced a musical inspired by “The Classic of Mountains and Seas《山海经》. The musical follows the journey of four children from different backgrounds and personalities, who accidentally find themselves transported from the modern world to the fantastical realm of “The Classic of Mountains and Seas”. There, they encounter mythical figures such as Nüwa (女娲), Kuafu (夸父), Yinglong (应龙), and Jingwei (精卫). Ms Yan explained, “The ‘Classic of Mountains and Seas’ is an ancient text filled with mythology, geographical knowledge, and folklore. Through this musical and the voices of young people, we hope to share it with the world. Kuala Lumpur is our first stop, and we look forward to introducing more audiences to the beauty of traditional Chinese culture through this performance.”

Ms Yan (left) and Mr Zhou introducing “The Classic of Mountains and Seas《山海经》

Actors performing a short part of the musical

The final session focused on the inheritance of Shanghai’s intangible cultural heritage. It was presented by Ms Chen. She introduced several significant aspects of China’s intangible cultural heritage, such as sachets (香囊), blue cloth with white designs (药斑布), frog closures (盘扣), straw plaiting (草编), Shanghai-style hydrangeas (海派绣球), and Dunhuang Murals (敦煌壁画).

In conclusion, the forum was a resounding success, providing a platform for enriching cultural exchange and dialogue between China and Malaysia. The sessions offered invaluable insights into the diverse cultures of both nations, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of their shared heritage.

Ms Chen introducing intangible cultural heritage to attendees

From top left, clockwise: Shanghai-style hydrangeas, frog closures and blue cloth with white designs

Attendees having fun painting

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