Webinar explores the wonders of science

To enhance the scientific knowledge of students at UTAR, the Seminar Committee of the Centre for Foundation Studies at Sungai Long Campus (CFS-SL) organised a webinar titled “On the driving forces of science” on 25 July 2024. The event, conducted via Zoom, attracted around 240 students.

During the webinar, Dr Amir Abbas Haghighirad, a leading researcher in Quantum Materials and Characterisation at the Karlsruhe Institute of Science and Technology, introduced the students to the wonders of science. He began by discussing the different types of technologies, explaining that they rely on advanced materials and emergent technologies engineered at the atomic, molecular, or nanoscale to achieve specific performance characteristics. He illustrated this concept using a diagram of crystalline structures, where atoms were arranged periodically within a cube, highlighting it as a fundamental aspect of crystal formation.

Dr Amir Abbas Haghighirad, the speaker of the webinar

Dr Amir then emphasised the significance of carbon, noting that it can exist in various crystalline forms. He explained how graphite, under extreme pressure and temperature conditions, transforms into diamonds, which is why these natural diamonds are found deep within the Earth.

Arrangements of molecular chains in crystalline materials

A graph showing how graphite turns into a diamond under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature

Dr Amir also explained the concept of superconductors, beginning with their discovery by Kamerlingh Onnes in 1911. After that, Dr Amir explained how superconductors work and showcased their applications, such as in magnetic levitating trains and transformers.

Dr Amir explaining the Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect and the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer Theory

A diagram explaining the applications of superconductor

The webinar concluded with a Q&A session, allowing students to ask questions. After addressing their inquiries, Dr Amir encouraged the students to persist in their scientific pursuits and to push the boundaries of knowledge continuously.

Group photo of the participants

The poster of the webinar

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