SRC Handover and Installation Ceremony 2024

The Student Representative Council (SRC) Handover and Installation Ceremony, organised by the Department of Student Affairs (DSA), was held at UTAR Sungai Long Campus on 2 August 2024, marking the formal transition of leadership within the student body.

From left: Mr Chiang, Dr Gobi, Dr Pok, Prof Choong, Prof Dato’ Ewe, Ms Loh Siaw Yien, Dr David Tneh, Ms Melissa and Ms Loh Nyuk Leung

Present at the ceremony were UTAR President Ir Prof Dato’ Dr Ewe Hong Tat, Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, Faculty of Accountancy and Management Dean Dr Pok Wei Fong, Faculty of Creative Industries Dean Dr David Tneh Cheng Eng, Centre for Foundation Studies (Sungai Long Campus) Director Ms Melissa Stefanie Netto, Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Deputy Dean for Academic Development and Undergraduate Programmes Assoc Prof Ir Dr Gobi Vetharatnam, Registrar Ms Loh Siaw Yien, DSA Heads Ms Loh Nyuk Leung (Sungai Long Campus) and Mr Chiang Jeng Fong (Kampar Campus), SRC members, staff and students.

Prof Dato’ Ewe delivering his speech

Prof Dato’ Ewe expressed gratitude to the outgoing SRC members for their dedication and congratulated the newly elected members for taking on the responsibility of student governance. He emphasised the importance of collaboration, adherence to university rules, and the commitment to transparency and inclusivity as the new SRC members embarked on their roles, aiming to uphold and build upon the achievements of their predecessors.

SRC session 2023/2024 Chairpersons Lee Wei Kang (Kampar Campus) and Lim Kwong Yau (Sungai Long Campus)

The event began with the outgoing SRC members sharing their experiences from the past year, offering insights and advice to the newly elected council. The session highlighted the successes and challenges they faced during their term, providing valuable lessons for the incoming team.

SRC session 2024/2025 Chairperson Tan Ding Hong

Tan Ding Hong, the newly elected SRC chairperson, emphasised the ongoing responsibility of serving UTAR students, likening it to a relay where each generation builds on the last. He committed to working with the council and the university management to support student well-being and expressed excitement for the journey ahead.

The handover of SRC logo by SRC 2023/2024


The installation session conducted for SRC 2024/2025

Prof Dato’ Ewe, accompanied by Prof Choong, presenting the certificates of appreciation to SRC members

Certificates of appreciation were then presented to the outgoing SRC members by Prof Dato’ Ewe and Prof Choong, recognising their dedication and contributions. The formal handover and installation of the new SRC members followed, symbolising the official transfer of responsibilities.

The SRC Handover and Installation Ceremony 2024 successfully facilitated the smooth transition of leadership, celebrating the contributions of the outgoing council and welcoming the fresh perspectives of the new team.

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