UTAR’s 39th Convocation sets the stage for new horizons for 2,218 graduates

UTAR’s 39th Convocation sets the stage for new horizons for 2,218 graduates

The UTAR 39th Convocation ceremony was a celebration of hard work and success, as 2,218 graduates marked the peak of their educational journey with a strong sense of pride and accomplishment.

Graduands and their parents at the UTAR 39th Convocation

Held over three days from 16 to 18 August 2024 at Dewan Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik in UTAR Kampar Campus, the UTAR 39th Convocation was a momentous occasion that celebrated not only individual accomplishments but also the collective success of the UTAR community.

Graduands marching to Dewan Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik

A total of 2,218 graduates received their convocation scrolls during the ceremony, which took place in four sessions. They graduated from 109 programmes comprising 72 Bachelor (Honours) degree, 27 Master’s degree and 10 PhD programmes.

Of the 2,218 graduands, 32 received their PhDs, 101 received their Master’s degree and 110 received their Honours Degree with Distinction, while the rest received their Bachelor Honours with Merit and Bachelor Honours Degree.

Graduates bowing to their parents as a sign of gratitude during the convocation ceremony

This convocation also celebrated the graduation of the first batch of students from the Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF) who completed the Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Logistics and Supply Chain Management programme.

Session One and Two of the Convocation were declared open by UTAR Chancellor Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik; Session Three was declared open by UTAR Education Foundation Board of Trustees member and UTAR Council Chairman Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr Ting Chew Peh; Session Four was declared open by UTAR Education Foundation Board of Trustees Chairman Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Sak Cheng Lum. UTAR President Ir Prof Dato’ Dr Ewe Hong Tat presented his convocation speeches in all four sessions.

Tun Ling declaring the opening of Session One and Session Two of the Convocation

Tan Sri Ting declaring the opening of Session Three of the Convocation

Tan Sri Sak declaring the opening of Session Four of the Convocation

UTAR Registrar Ms Loh Siaw Yien leading the Chancellor’s procession

The guests of honour for the four sessions of the Convocation were Chief Operating Officer of PT Bayan Resources Tbk, Indonesia Mr Lim Chai Hock; Group Managing Director and Chief Executive of IOI Corporation Berhad Dato’ Lee Yeow Chor; Chairman of OSK Holdings Berhad, Chairman of OSK Ventures International Berhad, Chairman of RHB Investment Bank Berhad and Director of RHB Bank Berhad Tan Sri Ong Leong Huat; and Executive Deputy Chairman and Managing Director of Malayan Flour Mills Berhad Mr Teh Wee Chye.

Prof Dato’ Ewe congratulating the graduands of the UTAR 39th Convocation

Also present at the ceremony were UTAR Education Foundation Board of Trustees Members Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Lee Oi Hian, and Datuk Lee Leck Cheng.

UTAR Hospital Board Chairman and UTAR Council Member Ir Academician Emeritus Prof Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr Chuah Hean Teik also attended the convocation together with UTAR Council Members Tan Sri Datuk Seri Dr Fong Chan Onn, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Ong Ka Chuan, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Chor Chee Heung, Datuk Lim Si Cheng, Dato’ Ng Wan Peng, Mr Hew Fen Yee and Mr Loh Lee Soon.

The scroll presenters were Tan Sri Ting, Tan Sri Fong, Dato’ Ng and Mr Loh for Session One; Tan Sri Ting, Tan Sri Lee, Tan Sri Prof Chuah, and Dato’ Lim for Session Two, Tan Sri Ting, Tan Sri Sak, Tan Sri Prof Chuah and Mr Hew for Session Three, and Tan Sri Sak, Tan Sri Ong, Tan Sri Prof Chuah and Mr Hew for Session Four.

The President, filled with delight, delivered a heartfelt speech to those in attendance. “Your education is a stepping stone from which there are endless possibilities you can venture into. I encourage you to boldly step up with full confidence and to build resilience to overcome all obstacles so that you can become better than before. Always know that you are accompanied with the love and support of your family and friends who can give you support and comfort when you need them,” Prof Dato’ Ewe advised.

He emphasised that learning is a lifelong journey, where each person has the potential to broaden their horizons and achieve greater success. He encouraged them to keep their minds and bodies active, to explore new opportunities, and to remember that only they can determine their success in life.

The guests of honour in all four sessions delivered speeches to motivate and inspire the graduates.

Session One guest of honour Mr Lim Chai Hock advising the graduands to be hardworking

Session One’s guest of honour, Mr Lim, inspired the graduands with his speech, saying, “Amidst the rise of the gig economy and rapid technological advancements, there is a belief that traditional education may be irrelevant, but today, we affirm its continued importance. The knowledge, skills and values imparted by universities like UTAR lay the foundation for thriving in our dynamic world, empowering you to think critically, innovate, and contribute meaningfully to society. This ceremony celebrates your readiness to embrace challenges and drive positive change.” He further emphasised three key lessons from his career, “First, be hardworking and persevere; face challenges head-on until the battle is won. Second, never stop learning, as continuous adaptation is key to thriving in the future economy. Third, take care of the small things, as they reflect how big things are managed.”

Session Two guest of honour Dato’ Lee Yeow Chor encouraging graduands to navigate challenges with honesty, humility, and a relentless drive

Session Two’s guest of honour Dato’ Lee congratulated the graduating students and shared how IOI's successful overseas ventures and resilience in overcoming crises inspired them to strive for higher goals, even from challenging positions. He remarked, “I believe, IOI’s successful overseas ventures and our ability to emerge stronger from crises can inspire young graduates to aim for higher goals, even when faced with difficult situations. IOI’s journey taught us the importance of understanding cultural differences, practising empathetic management and focusing on execution rather than elaborate planning. When an environmental NGO reported a breach in our sustainability practices, leading to the suspension of our certification, we responded by engaging openly with stakeholders, admitting our mistakes, and making necessary improvements. This approach ultimately restored our standing. Remember, in your own journey, navigate challenges with honesty, humility, and a relentless drive to execute well, these values will guide you to success.”

Session Three guest of honour Tan Sri Ong Leong Huat explaining the key elements of lifelong learning

Session Three’s guest of honour Tan Sri Ong, in his speech said, “Consider your degree not as the end of your education, but as a milestone in a lifelong journey of learning and growth. Just as a foundation supports the construction of a house, your degree is the base upon which you will build your future. Remember, learning extends far beyond the classroom, it continues through your interactions, experiences, and challenges in life. In our rapidly changing world, lifelong learning is not just valuable, it’s essential. Even at 80 years old, I remain curious and eager to learn, embracing the belief that the journey of learning has no end, only horizons to reach with diligence and determination.”

Session Four guest of honour Mr Teh Wee Chye reminding graduands the importance of leadership qualities in a dynamic world

Last but not least, Session Four’s guest of honour Mr Teh in his speech, congratulated the graduands and enthused, “Graduands, as you step into your roles as future leaders, remember that while your technical skills are crucial, it is your leadership qualities and character that will truly set you apart. Act with unwavering integrity, for it builds the trust essential to true leadership. Embrace a long-term vision, inspiring others and driving change. Adaptability will be your strength in a rapidly evolving world, and continuous learning will keep you relevant and innovative. Challenge the status quo with fresh ideas, and lead with empathy to transform teams into thriving organisations. Resilience will see you through adversity, defining your success and inspiring others. As you enter a world of immense potential, think globally, act locally, embrace diversity, and be bold in your aspirations. Consider how you can contribute not just to your organisation, but to the community around you. You are the torchbearers of progress; the future is yours to create.”

Tan Sri Ting (right) presenting the scroll to Doctor of Philosophy (Chinese Studies) graduate Wang, Yaping

Tan Sri Fong (right) presenting the scroll to Faculty of Science graduate

Dato’ Ng (left) presenting the scroll to Bachelor of Communication (Honours) Journalism graduate Kevin Komora Ndumari

Mr Loh (left) presenting the scroll to Faculty of Business and Finance graduate

Tan Sri Lee (right) presenting the scroll to Faculty of Accountancy and Management graduate

Datuk Lim (left) presenting the scroll to Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science graduate

Mr Hew (left) presenting the scroll to Faculty of Information and Communication Technology graduate

Tan Sri Sak (right) presenting the scroll to Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) graduate Kho Zong Wei

Tan Sri Chuah (left) presenting the scroll to Bachelor of Science (Honours) Construction Management graduate Abdulla Mohamed

Tan Sri Ong (right) presenting the scroll to Faculty of Business and Finance graduate

The UTAR 39th Convocation also featured speeches from representatives of the graduates through all four sessions. Heng Joey, a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) Accounting graduate, spoke during Session One; Chong Kai Wen, a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours graduate, addressed Session Two; Khoo Jian Hao, a Bachelor of Communication (Honours) Broadcasting graduate, spoke at Session Three; and Irene Scarlet, a Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Environmental) with Honours graduate, represented Session Four.

From top: Heng, Chong, Khoo and Irene motivating their fellow graduates with inspiring speeches

During the ceremony, the graduate representatives advised their peers to embrace their unique paths and take care of their well-being. They also expressed their deepest gratitude to the esteemed faculty members, lecturers, and academic advisors, acknowledging their tireless efforts in imparting knowledge, guiding through complex subjects, and nurturing growth, which had been invaluable. They also thanked their families and friends for their unwavering support, encouragement, and understanding throughout the journey.

The UTAR 39th Convocation also featured musical interludes, showcasing special singing performances by UTAR students and graduates. Among the singers who performed were Chong Jack An, Liaw Yu Fei, Gan Yu Nyuk, Wee You Yao, Chee He Wid, Tee Yu Xun, Tay Hui Xin, Fiona Shui Jing Ru, Chen Zi Yi Livia, Kee Chian Yue, Liaw Yu Fei, Foo Hoo Yao, Tan Shee Yang, Wee You Yao, and Siew Wai Poh.

With the addition of 2,218 graduates from this 39th Convocation, the number of the University’s alumni now stands at more than 86,900 since its inaugural convocation in 2005.

Kevin Komora (fourth from right) with Tun Ling, accompanied by (from left) Tan Sri Sak, Prof Dato’ Ewe, Tan Sri Fong, Toh Puan Ena Ling, Tan Sri Chor, Mr Lim, Tan Sri Ting, Datuk Lim, Datuk Lee and Dato’ Ng

The graduates of Session One (fifth from left) Wang, Yaping, Chan Hui Lien, Jordan Thoo Kin Wai, Dawn Carmel Paul, and (from far right) Cheong Siew Fai, Kishanthinee P Shanmuganathan, Kevin Komora and Oni Olatoyese Zaccheus with Tun Ling (seated), and (13th from left) Prof Dato’ Ewe, Tan Sri Sak, Mr Lim, Tan Sri Ting, Tan Sri Fong, Tan Sri Chor, Mr Loh, Datuk Lim, Datuk Lee, Dato’ Ng and other guests 

From left: Ir Prof Dr Goi Bok Min, Mr Hew, Fong Yun Xin, Chow Hong Jun, Andrea Wong Ying Yi, Lee Ee Leong Mark, Lee Jun Tsien, Alastair Abisha Ong Hsien Lerk, Tan Sri Sak, Dato’ Lee, Prof Dato’ Ewe, Tun Ling (seated), Tan Sri Ting, Tan Sri Lee, Datuk Lee, Tan Sri Chor, Tan Sri Prof Chuah, Datuk Lim, Mr Loh, Ts Prof Dr Faidz bin Abd Rahman and Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong

From left: Lee Hau Men, Chen Jia Hui, Khoo Jian Hao, Leow Hui Xin, Prof Dato’ Ewe, Ariumathy Puspanathan, Cheah Chee Ken and Foong Hou Hin

From left: Kho Zong Wei, Ang Yong Seng, Abdulla Mohamed, Prof Dato’ Ewe, Prasad Soundrarajan, Foong Ling Yee and Chin Kai Ning

Singers singing songs during the musical interludes of UTAR 39th Convocation

A few lovely glimpses of graduates with their parents, families and friends

To view the highlights of each session and the congratulatory messages, click on the links below: 

Pre-Convocation Excitement: Preparing for the Big Day

Journey to the Scroll: A Graduand's Moment

Moments of Pride: Graduands and Parents

Anticipation & Arrival: From Robing Room to Procession

Air of Celebration: Joyful Moments

Street of Smiles: Food, Flowers and Souvenirs

Jubilant Celebration: Cap Toss, Photos and Lion Dance

Proud Moments: Parents Inside & Outside the Hall

Exuberant Cheers: Cap Toss and Outdoor Celebration

Congratulations to August 2024 Graduates

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