UTAR Sungai Long Toastmasters Club Advisor receives Distinguished Toastmasters Award

Clockwise from top left: Congratulatory posters from UTAR Sungai Long Toastmasters Club, Share & Inspire Toastmasters Club and NSCA Toastmasters Club

The UTAR Sungai Long Club was established on 1 April 2016, with Dr Saraswathy Thurairaj and Ms Khoo Suat Hoong as founding members. Over the past eight years, the club has achieved several significant milestones. This year, as Toastmasters International celebrates its 100th anniversary, UTAR Sungai Long Toastmasters member Dr Saraswathy earned the Distinguished Toastmasters (DTM) Award on 10 August 2024. She is the first DTM not only from the UTAR Sungai Long Toastmasters Club but also from UTAR in District 102.

Dr Saraswathy, who also serves as the Advisor of UTAR Sungai Long Toastmasters Club, has led the club to achieve the President’s Distinguished Award for the 2023-2024 term. This accomplishment reflects UTAR’s commitment to quality education and leadership development.

Dr Saraswathy (seated, most right) and Ms Khoo (seated, second from right) with UTAR Sungai Long Toastmasters members in 2018

UTAR Sungai Long Toastmasters students deeply appreciated Dr Saraswathy’s dedication and guidance, acknowledging her as a pillar of the club. They gushed, “Congratulations on your remarkable achievement. Your dedication and commitment as our club advisor have been invaluable. We deeply appreciate all your hard work, patience, and the time you have invested in guiding, teaching, and shaping us into a President’s Distinguished Toastmasters Club.”

The Distinguished Toastmasters (DTM) award is the highest recognition within Toastmasters International, symbolising excellence in communication and leadership. The DTM is highly respected and marks a member as a role model, with skills that are valuable both within Toastmasters and in professional life. This award represents the culmination of a member's journey and their commitment to excellence, leadership, and service.

To achieve this award, members must complete a series of educational and leadership projects, serve in various leadership roles, and demonstrate exceptional public speaking skills. This includes:

  1. Pathways Requirements: Completing two learning paths in the Pathways education programme, which cover both communication and leadership skills.
  2. Leadership Roles: Serving as a club officer, a district officer, and a club mentor or coach, among other leadership positions. This demonstrates the member’s ability to lead and inspire others within the organisation.
  3. Public Speaking: Delivering numerous speeches and presentations, thereby honing their public speaking and communication skills. This often includes participating in and winning speech contests, as well as mentoring others in their speaking endeavours.
  4. Community Engagement: Leading a High-Performance Leadership (HPL) project, which often involves a significant community service or organisational project, demonstrating leadership beyond the Toastmasters club setting.

UTAR Sungai Long Toastmasters Club AGM on 24 July 2024

Dr Saraswathy said, “As a lecturer, I often encouraged my students to take on executive roles, staying behind the scenes myself. This approach left me with fewer opportunities to grow within Toastmasters. In 2022, I realised I needed to change my approach and decided to actively pursue my goal.”

She mentioned that her journey towards achieving the DTM award included chartering the Share & Inspire Toastmasters Club, which was successfully established on 1 August 2023. As the charter president and founder, she played a key role in forming the club with 21 members, consisting of professionals from reputable organisations and lecturers from various faculties at UTAR Kampar and UTAR Sungai Long Campuses. To further her DTM journey, she also took on the roles of mentor and sponsor for the club.

She expressed her gratitude to UTAR for providing the opportunity to complete a national-level project—the Symposium on Science Education (SOSE) 2023—as part of her DTM requirements. As the appointed chairperson, she faced challenges, particularly being based at UTAR Sungai Long Campus while the event was held in Kampar. However, through perseverance, she successfully organised SOSE 2023.

Dr Saraswathy enthused, “I would like to express my appreciation to UTAR President, Ir Prof Dato’ Dr Ewe Hong Tat, Vice President of R&D and Commercialisation, Prof Ts Dr Faidz Bin Abd Rahman, and Chairperson of the Centre for Learning and Teaching, Dr Wei Choo Yi, for their trust and support. Despite the challenges, I completed my project with determination.”

She added, “I am also thankful for the guidance from District 102 leaders: past Programme Quality Director, DTM Woo Hui Qin, and past Club Growth Director and current Programme Quality Director, DTM Robert Ram. The support I received from both UTAR and my District Directors was invaluable in completing my DTM project. Reflecting on my journey, I feel a deep sense of accomplishment in my growth and success. I am thankful to everyone who has supported me, including my husband, children, and family.”

Dr Saraswathy holding the positions of Logistics Chair of the District 102 Programme Quality Team for 2024-2025 (left) and Assistant TLI Chair of the District 102 Toastmasters Leadership Institute Team for 2024-2025 (right)

Dr Saraswathy achieved Select Distinguished Area of District 102 for 2024-2025

Dr Saraswathy currently holds the position of Logistics Chair for the District 102 Programme Quality Team for 2024-2025 and serves as the Assistant TLI Chair for the District 102 Toastmasters Leadership Institute Team for the same term. During the 2023-2024 term, she earned the status of Select Distinguished Area Director while leading Area E4, which included six clubs: Personal Development Toastmasters Club, OUM Toastmasters Club, Super Speakers Toastmasters Club, Share & Inspire Toastmasters Club, NSCA Toastmasters Club, and Energy Workforce Toastmasters Club.

On 10 August 2024, Dr Saraswathy conducted two training sessions on Healthy Team for Club Officer Training (COT1) for Divisions B and E at UNITAR, Kelana Jaya. The Club Officer Training was essential for the success of Toastmasters clubs globally, as it equips club officers with the necessary knowledge, skills, and tools to lead effectively, improving the member experience and contributing to the club’s overall success.

She also conducted another training session focused on the Club Success Plan for online officers, primarily from the Maldives and the East Coast, as well as online-only clubs, on 17 August 2024.

Dr Saraswathy conducting the Club Officer Training at UNITAR, Kelana Jaya

Certificate of Appreciation presented to Dr Saraswathy, DTM for conducting Club Officer Training

The UTAR Sungai Long Toastmasters Club has made notable achievements this year, largely due to strong dedication and leadership. As Toastmasters International marks its 100th anniversary, Dr Saraswathy’s recognition as the first Distinguished Toastmasters (DTM) in District 102 is a significant moment for both the club and UTAR. Her journey from a charter member to receiving this top honour highlights her contributions to the club and the broader Toastmasters community.

Congratulations to Distinguished Toastmasters Dr Saraswathy and all the members of the UTAR Sungai Long Toastmasters Club for their extraordinary achievements. Your collective efforts and dedication to excellence set a shining example for others to follow as Toastmasters International embarks on its next century of empowering individuals through communication and leadership.

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