UTAR's SciTech4U workshops engage secondary school students in STEM

To promote knowledge in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), Dr Ong Kiah Ju, the Head of UTAR STEM Outreach, collaborated with the academic staff of Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science (LKC FES) to organise a series of workshops under the “Program SciTech4U STEM Camp MOSTI 2024”, a programme funded by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI).

The event took place on 21 August 2024 at UTAR Sungai Long Campus. It saw the participation of 83 students and five teachers from two secondary schools. SMK Bandar Puncak Jalil had 38 students and two teachers, while SMK Taman Desaminium had 45 students and three teachers in attendance. The workshop sessions ran simultaneously, with participants split into four groups, rotating through four different stations, each dedicated to various aspects of STEM field.

Participants from SMK Bandar Puncak Jalil and SMK Taman Desaminium

One of the workshops, titled “Drone experience workshop”, was led by LKC FES academic Dr Kwan Ban Hoe. He was assisted Assoc Prof Ir Dr Chee Pei Song. Since drones are becoming increasingly prevalent, Dr Kwan educated the students on how drones operate, and the various fields in which they are utilised. To make things more interesting, some students were given the opportunity to pilot the drones themselves, creating an interactive and enjoyable learning environment.

Dr Kwan teaching students about drones

Students trying to pilot the drones themselves

Another workshop, titled the “3D Printing Workshop” was spearheaded by LKC FES academic Ir Ts Dr Koay Seong Chun. Dr Koay introduced the students to 3D printing process, explaining that it begins with a 3D model, which is then sliced into layers for the printer to build layer by layer. He demonstrated the printing process, and while waiting for the models to print, he conducted a quiz, rewarding correct answers with 3D-printed keychains as souvenirs.

Dr Koay explaining 3D printing procedures as students listen attentively

Dr Koay demonstrating the printing process

A student showing the results of the printing

Other than that, the “Handmade Sanitiser” workshop was conducted by LKC FES academic Dr Ong Ying Hui, who taught students how to make sanitisers. Students were advised to pay close attention as they mixed the chemicals to create the sanitiser. Despite the tedious mixing process, the students enjoyed making their sanitisers, thanks to the guidance of Dr Ong. The students also got to take home the sanitisers they made as keepsakes.

Dr Ong teaching the students how to make handmade sanitisers

Lastly, the “Build a Paper Column Challenge” workshop, led by LKC FES academic Ir Ts Dr Yip Chun Chieh along with Dr Chong Siaw Yah, tasked students with constructing paper columns and testing their stability by stacking weights on them. Some students pushed the limits by adding multiple weights to test the strength of their creations.

Dr Yip explaining the stability of paper columns

Participants building their paper columns

Participants happy with the results of their paper column

The students enjoyed a day filled with hands-on STEM learning at UTAR. Asyraf Danish, a student from SMK Bandar Puncak Jalil, expressed his excitement, stating, “Science has always interested me, and today’s event helped me explore various science fields.” Afidanial bin Adnan from SMK Taman Desaminium shared, “Today was the best as I got to experiment with things I don’t usually learn in the classroom. Although I have always thought of pursuing the science field, I was also worried about not being qualified for it. This event gave me the confidence to pursue science in the future.”

Asyraf Danish (left) and Afidanial (right) sharing their thoughts about the event

The day concluded with students heading home with newfound STEM knowledge. Teachers from SMK Bandar Puncak Jalil Puan Kamsiah binti Hasan and Puan Purni Muttiah, and SMK Taman Desaminium Puan Nur Hidayat binti Mohd Yusoff, Puan Siti Suriani binti Ismail, and Puan Haziemah binti Harun were also present, along with MOSTI officers Ms Uwarani Krishnan and Puan Nurul Amirah.

Puan Nurul Amirah (far left) and Ms Uwarani (second from left)

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