National Counselling Month 2023 explores mental health and wellbeing

The National Counselling Month 2023, organised by the Centre for Healthy Minds & Wellbeing of the Department of Student Affairs of Sungai Long Campus (DSA-SL), embarked on a month-long exploration of mental health and well-being by administering various activities on campus. Participants had the opportunity to engage in 10 talks and workshops, throughout the event, each designed to delve into crucial aspects of mental health. The event aimed to empower individuals with knowledge and practical tools, fostering a community that prioritises and champions mental well-being.

Ms Navamani conducting a talk

The National Counselling Month kick-started with a talk titled “EQ workshop to enhance leadership and interpersonal communication” by UTAR DSA-SL Centre for Healthy Minds & Wellbeing Counsellor Ms Navamani Nagappon on 20 October 2023 via Microsoft Teams. The EQ Workshop focused on enhancing self-awareness and interpersonal skills for improved leadership and teamwork. Participants gained insights into their own behaviours, strategies to address emotional blind spots, and an understanding of others’ motivations. The workshop aimed to foster empathy, appreciation, and effective teamwork, providing individuals with valuable tools for success in both personal and professional settings.

Ms Aw introducing the House-Tree-Person test

On 24 October 2023, participants had the opportunity to engage in "Be yourself (House-Tree-Person Test) workshop" led by Pure Education Sdn Bhd Head of Programme Ms Aw Chan Yann via Microsoft Teams. The workshop employed the House-Tree-Person test as a powerful tool to measure various facets of a person’s personality. Attendees immersed themselves in a journey of self-discovery, gaining valuable insights into their inner selves and unique traits. Beyond individual introspection, the workshop had a broader goal—to delve into the exploration of cognitive, emotional, and social functioning, all discerned through the art of drawing. This holistic approach provided participants with a comprehensive understanding of themselves, fostering personal growth and self-awareness.

Ms Vivienne Chong conducting some Q&A exercises before the talk

TAJMA Personality Profiling Practitioner Ms Vivienne Chong conducted a talk titled “The secret to successful relationships and healthy boundaries” on 26 October 2023 via Microsoft Teams. Ms Vivienne Chong delved into Virginia Satir’s model, which identified five conceptual styles of communication: placating, blaming, computing, distracting, and congruent communication. By recognising and understanding these communication styles, the talk aimed to enable the attendees to navigate interpersonal dynamics effectively. Emphasising the significance of healthy boundaries, the talk also highlighted how setting limits is crucial for protecting one’s time, energy, and overall well-being—contributing to positive relationships and enhanced mental wellness. The engaging session provided valuable knowledge for fostering meaningful connections and personal growth.

Mr Brien Lee interacting with participants

On 27 October 2023, participants tuned into an online talk titled “Quality sleep: Are you getting enough? What can you do about it?" by Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Trainer and Consultant from NLP University, USA Mr Brien Lee Meng Siong. With a focus on creating awareness, the talk emphasised the fundamental role of sleep in shaping one’s physical, mental, and social well-being. Mr Brien Lee shared invaluable insights to underscore the significance of quality sleep, shedding light on its pivotal role in maintaining overall health. The attendees were equipped with practical knowledge and actionable steps to optimise their sleep patterns, empowering them to take control of the foundational behaviour for enhanced holistic well-being.

Ms Lee conducting her talk titled Finding Purpose in Life Journey

On 28 October 2023, registered and licensed counsellor Ms Lee Ying Yin conducted an online talk titled “Finding purpose in life journey” via Microsoft Teams. Ms Lee, who was also a certified hypnotherapist, focused on illuminating the complex and emotional aspects of grief and loss in her talk. Through her expertise, Ms Lee provided valuable insights and guidance on navigating these challenging experiences, offering participants a thoughtful exploration of finding purpose within the journey of life. The talk served as a source of support and understanding, encouraging individuals to embrace personal growth and meaning in the face of adversity.

Mr Chen conducting the MBTI test

TAJMA Personality Profiling Practitioner and MBTI Form M Administrator Mr Chen Khang Jiunn led a talk titled “Self-exploration with Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)” via Microsoft Teams on 30 October 2023. The session aimed to administer the MBTI Form M interactively with the audience in an online format and facilitate a deeper understanding of individual personalities among the participants through the MBTI framework. The attendees had the opportunity to actively engage in the assessment process, gaining valuable insights into their unique personality types. Mr Chen’s expertise provided a platform for self-reflection, fostering personal growth and enhancing self-awareness among the audience.

Dr Sree conducting a talk on mental health

On 2 November 2023, Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management academic Dr Sree Kala Kunju Raman Nair from Taylor's University presented a talk titled “Winning mind battles: Slot 1 - understanding mental health”. Addressing university students, Dr Sree empathetically explored the challenges of navigating complex academic pursuits while juggling the emotional aspects of life. In the talk, Dr Sree acknowledged the common struggles faced by university students, highlighting that the journey is not always a smooth ride. Dr Sree emphasised the crucial need for identifying and regulating emotional ups and downs, shedding light on the potential consequences when such experiences go unrecognised and unaddressed. The session aimed to equip students with the tools to foster emotional well-being, contributing to a more balanced and resilient mindset.

Ms Priya conducting her talk

Subsequently, Next Chapter Consultancy Sdn Bhd Clinical Psychologist Ms Priya Varsheni Vasu led a talk titled “Winning mind battles: Slot 2 - Finding balance; building your own psychological toolkit”. The focus of the session was to introduce a psychology-based self-check-in tool designed to help individuals identify and initiate the construction of their personal psychological toolkit. Ms Priya emphasised the significance of developing such a toolkit, which serves as a valuable resource in regulating emotions, gradually restoring a sense of balance in life, and ultimately enhancing overall psychological well-being. The attendees gained practical insights and tools to empower them on their journey towards mental and emotional resilience.


Ms Tan (left picture; third from right) and Ms Ng (right picture; back row; most right) with participants at the Expressive Arts Workshop

The “Expressive arts workshop: Self-exploration with cards (Dixit Card and Cherish Card)” led by UTAR DSA-SL Centre for Healthy Minds & Wellbeing Counsellors, Ms Tan Chin Yee and Ms Ng Wan Fern, offered a unique platform for participants to delve into the realms of self-discovery. The workshop, incorporating elements of movement, art, music, sound and writing, aimed to enhance participants’ psychological, physical, and spiritual well-being. Through engaging activities with Dixit and Cherish cards, participants not only explored their creative expressions but also embarked on a journey of personal growth and honed their interpersonal skills. This holistic approach to expressive arts provided a nurturing environment for students to connect with themselves and others, fostering overall well-being in various dimensions of their lives.

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