Recognising and combating cancer

Recognising and combating cancer

Did you know that according to the World Health Organisation, cancer is the second leading cause of death globally? Each statistic represents not just a number but a life, a family, and a community profoundly affected.

In the ongoing battle against cancer, the twin pillars of hope are screening and early detection. These not only empower individuals with knowledge about their health but also provide a challenging weapon against the relentless progression of the disease.

With that, the Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS) of UTAR Kampar Campus in collaboration with the National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM) successfully organised a talk titled “Recognising and Combating Cancer” on 13 December 2023 at UTAR Kampar Campus.

Attended by UTAR staff and students, the talk aimed at raising awareness and fostering a community committed to combating cancer. The talk also delved into the intricacies of cancer screening, understanding how it acts as a vigilant guard against the disease.

The talk session kick-started with the first talk delivered by a doctor from NCSM Perak Branch, Dr. Gurpreet Singh. His talk focused on advocating the importance of early cancer detection and its right diagnosis and treatment.

He started his talk by checking the participants’ current understanding of cancer. He then explained that cancer is when cells become programmed to do the opposite of what they are supposed to; is separated into ‘malignant’ which spreads, and is invasive and ‘benign’ which are localised and non-invasive tumours categories. He stressed that “early detection saves lives” and that “age no longer matters” when it comes to cancer as it could strike anybody of any age group or gender.

Dr. Gurpreet elucidated that there are some risks which increase the chances of getting cancer which are non-modifiable, such as age, biological sex, and family history. However, there are also risks which are modifiable or can be controlled, such as avoiding alcohol consumption, smoking, and physical inactivity. He emphasised, “By making some lifestyle changes, one can reduce some risks of getting cancer.”  

Towards the end of his talk, Dr. Gurpreet once again stressed the importance of going for regular checkups and cancer screening tests for early detection of any signs of cancer before any symptoms. He advised that people should combat cancer by seeking the proper care and support for any cancer-related matters, and educating themselves on minimising risks and getting proper cancer treatment.

Subsequently, the session continued with the second talk by Programme Executive of the NCSM Perak Branch, Ms. Premitha Govindasamy. She began by explaining that NCSM is a non-profit organisation which offers support to cancer patients and survivors. The organisation is fully funded by the public and has a team of volunteers who work in the Homes of Hope, an institution parked under NCSM which offers accommodations, groceries, and transportation to cancer patients and their caregivers who have to go to hospitals far from their hometowns for treatment. Homes of Hope is for the patients to stay in for their duration of treatment and recovery.

She further explained, “The Homes of Hope aims to make treatment more manageable financially and psychologically for patients and their caregivers, especially those of the B40 group, and are divided into the Children’s Home of Home (CHH), which caters only to child patients and their caregivers, and the Adults’ Home of Hope (AHH), which caters only to adult patients and their caregivers. All homes are fully equipped with amenities such as fully furnished bedrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, common lounges, housekeeping services, Wi-Fi, shuttle services, and in-house psychosocial support services.”

Ms. Premitha also mentioned about recruiting volunteers from UTAR who can assist NCSM in the running of programmes and activities. All volunteers will be provided training before getting involved.

The talk concluded with the presentation of a certificate of appreciation from CFS Kampar Director, Ts. Tan Lee Siew to the two speakers. Ms. Premitha also presented a token of appreciation to Ts. Tan for providing them with the opportunity to raise cancer awareness.

The participants expressed their interest in the topic and its relevance to Malaysians of all ages and genders. They found this a good experience and were motivated to do their part in the combat against cancer.

Dr. Gurpreet explaining the significance of screening and early detection in cancer prevention and treatment

Ms. Premitha emphasising the importance of public awareness on the prevention of cancer

Ts. Tan (right) presenting a certificate of appreciation to Dr. Gurpreet

Ts. Tan (right) presenting a certificate of appreciation to Ms. Premitha

From left to right:  Dr. Gurpreet, Ts. Tan and Ms. Premitha with CFS Organising Vice Chairperson Ms. Tulasi Subramaniam and Organising Chairperson Mr. Abel Lee Cheng Ian

Speakers and participants of the “Recognising and Combating Cancer” talk

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