Hands-on STEM activities for students at Tenby Schools Penang

In conjunction with the National Training Week and the Tenby Schools Penang STEAMFest 2024, UTAR STEM Outreach and the Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS) of Kampar Campus organised a series of engaging and educational STEM activities for 39 participants at Tenby Schools Penang on 29 June 2024.

The first activity, titled “Parity Magic”, was facilitated by CFS Kampar academics Ms Hoh Ming Chee and Ms Seit Kar Mun. Participants learned about parity check, an error-correction technique in network communication that ensures the accuracy of data transmissions between nodes.

Ms Hoh and Ms Seit guiding the students

The next activity, “Fridge Magnet of Coronavirus – Understanding Viral Biology”, was led by CFS Kampar academics Ms Chan Jer Jing and Ms Archuna Subramaniam. Students learned about the Coronavirus and created clay model sculptures of the virus after studying its anatomy.

Ms Chan explaining the anatomy of Coronavirus

Ms Archuna guiding the students

Clay model sculptures of Coronavirus made by students

The STEM activities were successful in supporting key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)— 3 Good Health and Well-being, SDG 4 Quality Education, and SDG 9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. The event concluded with group photography and the presentation of certificates of appreciation to the UTAR team by the principal of Tenby Schools Penang.

UTAR team with the principal of Tenby Schools Penang

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