Great Choices: Talk by Great Eastern CEO

The UTAR CEO Talk Series on 17 July 2024 featured Dato Koh Yaw Hui, Chief Executive Officer of Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad. The hybrid event, organised by UTAR Centre for Corporate and Community Development (CCCD) in collaboration with the Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF), took place at UTAR Sungai Long Campus and saw the participation of staff and students from both campuses. The title of the talk was “Your Life, Your Choice, Do It Right!”.

Fifth from left: Dato Koh and his team with UTAR representatives

Dato Koh, a prominent figure in the insurance industry, holds an Honours Degree in Bachelor of Social Science in Economics and is a Fellow of the Life Management Institute as well as a Registered Financial Planner. With a career at Great Eastern Life starting in 2002 as Senior Vice-President for Agency Management, he was promoted to Chief Executive Officer in 2008. His significant contributions have earned him prestigious recognitions, including the title "DATO" from the Sarawak government and two records in the Malaysia Book of Records.

Dato Koh sharing his insights with the participants

The primary focus of Dato Koh’s talk was to provide guidance and insights on making informed life choices, particularly for young individuals at the onset of their careers. He aimed to inspire students to plan their futures thoughtfully and to understand the value of their decisions.

Dato Koh, CEO of Great Eastern Life

Dato Koh began by addressing the misconception among many young people that formal education is no longer essential for financial success. He emphasised the lasting value of education and the importance of making choices that align with one’s future goals. Sharing his personal connection with UTAR, Dato Koh mentioned that many of his agents are graduates of the university, making it close to his heart. He had long wanted to visit UTAR and was pleased to finally have the opportunity.

Demonstration led by Dato Koh

Dato Koh shared an analogy involving Coca-Cola to illustrate how personal value can fluctuate based on context and location. Just like how a can of Coke can have different prices in different places, a person’s value can vary depending on the situation and place. He remarked, “Your life, your choice. Plan what you want to do, and make choices that you won’t regret.”

Dato Koh acknowledged the difficulty in sharing insights with youngsters today, given the prevalence of technologies like Google and ChatGPT. He outlined the three phases of life: study, work, and retirement. In the first phase, which takes up about 30% of our lives, he emphasised the need for courage and the importance of talent and effort. He mentioned that life has no escalator to success, only steps to climb.

Reflecting on his career, Dato Koh advised students not to follow his footsteps exactly but to find their own path. The second phase of life, which comprises 50% of one’s lifetime, is dedicated to work. He shared his journey, starting as an assistant in purchasing for the Sarawak government. His career path was smooth, and he credited his success to confidence. He joined Great Eastern Life in 2002 and was later promoted to Chief Executive Officer in 2008. His services were recognised when he was conferred the Panglima Setia Bintang Sarawak, which carries the title "DATO" by the Sarawak government.

He emphasised that we often underestimate ourselves and should seize every opportunity. He advised students to focus on the outcome they desire rather than the process, highlighting the importance of not ignoring technological advancements. Finally, in the third phase of life, retirement, Dato Koh spoke about enjoying the remaining 20% of his lifetime. He advised that we must fight to win and not remain stagnant if we want to achieve our desired life. Analysing choices carefully is crucial because our lives are shaped by the decisions we make.

Concluding his talk, Dato Koh touched on the significance of the retirement phase, advocating for an active and enjoyable life post-career. He stressed the importance of making well-considered choices throughout life to avoid future regrets. The talk ended with an engaging Q&A session, followed by a photograph session with students and faculty members.

O&A session

Dato Koh’s talk was a blend of personal experiences, practical advice, and motivational insights, leaving UTAR students with a renewed perspective on making choices and planning their futures.

FBF Dean Assoc Prof Dr Au Yong Hui Nee (far left) and CCCD Director Ms Lim Guat Yen (far right) presenting a certificate of appreciation to Dato Koh

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