Talk on Geopolitics, Geoeconomics,and Black Swan Events

Mr Samirul Ariff Othman, an esteemed independent analyst and senior consultant at Global Asia Consulting, delivered a compelling lecture at UTAR Sungai Long Campus on 17 July 2024. He explored the complex dynamics of geopolitics, geoeconomics, and the impact of black swan events on Malaysia’s economy. Hosted by the Faculty of Accountancy and Management and the Centre for Entrepreneurial Sustainability, the event aimed to deepen awareness and strategic foresight among students and staff regarding these critical global issues.

Mr Samirul began by addressing black swan events, which are highly unpredictable occurrences with profound and widespread consequences. Drawing on historical examples such as financial crises and global pandemics, he underscored the importance of preparedness and resilience in mitigating the impact of these unforeseen events. The discussion then shifted to geopolitics, where he highlighted Malaysia’s strategic significance within the global landscape, particularly in relation to the Straits of Malacca.

As he spoke about geoeconomics, Mr Samirul analysed China’s One Belt One Road initiative as a prime example of geoeconomic strategy, showcasing how infrastructure investments and trade partnerships can enhance a nation’s influence on the global stage. In the sharing session, Mr Samirul also spoke about the concept of ‘gray rhinos’, highly probable yet often neglected risks that can have significant impacts if not properly managed.

Mr Samirul’s comprehensive insights and engaging presentation prompted thought-provoking discussions among attendees, fostering a deeper understanding of Malaysia’s susceptibilities and opportunities in an increasingly interconnected world.

Students at the sharing session

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