Providing fun learning experiences for SMJK Jit Sin students

Participants with UTAR staff

In a remarkable initiative to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education, UTAR STEM Outreach, Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT), and the Division of Programme Promotion (DPP) collaborated to organise a series of hands-on STEM activities at SMJK Jit Sin from 2 July 2024 to 4 July 2024. Held in conjunction with the school’s STEM Week, the event saw an impressive turnout, with a total of 1,346 enthusiastic participants.

The event featured several captivating activities designed to spark interest in STEM subjects among students. These activities were facilitated by academics from FEGT, ensuring that students received high-quality, informative, and engaging experiences.

The first activity conducted was titled “Preparation of Nylon via Condensation Polymerisation”. Led by Dr Yeoh Wei Ming and ChM Ts Dr Sin Jin Chung, this activity introduced students to the fascinating world of polymer chemistry. Dr Sin provided an in-depth explanation of the concept of polymerisation, elucidating how small molecules combine to form long chains, or polymers. Dr Yeoh then demonstrated the actual production of nylon through the polymerisation reaction, giving students a tangible example of how chemistry is applied in real-world manufacturing processes.

Dr Sin explaining the concept of polymerisation to the students

Dr Yeoh demonstrating the nylon produced through the polymerisation reaction

The second activity was a demonstration of simple water purification system and solar power irrigation system, led by FEGT academic Assoc Prof ChM Ts Dr Lam Sze Mun. This activity showcased sustainable technology solutions. Dr Lam demonstrated a simple water purification system, highlighting its importance in providing clean water, especially in areas with limited access to potable water. Additionally, Dr Lam presented a solar power irrigation system, illustrating how renewable energy can be converted into electricity, thereby promoting sustainability.

Dr Lam demonstrating the simple water purification system

Beyond the hands-on activities, Ms Chai Li Xin from DPP took the opportunity to explain the programmes offered at UTAR to the students. She provided insights into the various educational pathways available at UTAR, encouraging students to consider pursuing further education in STEM fields.

This collaborative effort aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure). By providing quality educational experiences and promoting innovative solutions in engineering and technology, the event contributed to the broader goals of sustainable development and capacity building.

The overwhelming participation and engagement in these activities highlight the success of the event in inspiring the next generation of scientists, engineers, and innovators. The collaborative effort between FEGT, UTAR STEM Outreach, and DPP not only provided students with a glimpse into the exciting world of STEM but also underscored the importance of education and innovation in driving sustainable development.

The organisers expressed their gratitude to SMJK Jit Sin for hosting the event and to all the participants for their enthusiastic involvement. They look forward to continuing such initiatives, fostering a culture of curiosity and innovation among students, and supporting the nation’s goal of advancing STEM education.

Ms Chai explaining the programmes offered at UTAR

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