Unleashing the fun of English to SMJK Chong Hwa students

CEE Instructors, SMJK Chong Hwa teachers and students, and UTAR student helpers

A group of 59 SMJK Chong Hwa students, ranging from Form One to Form Five embarked on an exciting adventure at an English workshop hosted by the Centre for Extension Education (CEE) on 20 July 2024. The workshop, aimed at igniting a passion for the English language, was filled with fun games and activities.

The programme kicked off with a warm welcome from CEE instructor Mr Aaron Victor Dass. as He introduced the students to UTAR and gave an engaging overview of the diverse programmes and courses offered by CEE. Along with Mr Aaron, CEE instructor Ms Norhafiezah binti Sawal then led an interactive session on the basics of subject-verb agreement in English grammar. The energy in the hall was palpable as students eagerly participated, answering questions with enthusiasm and accuracy.

The highlight of the programme was the thrilling murder mystery case. Students, tasked with uncovering the “killer,” had to collect clues from 10 designed educational game stations. This immersive activity turned language learning into an exciting quest, showcasing that English can be both fun and educational. The challenge also allowed UTAR student helpers to hone their soft skills and build confidence.

Divided into ten groups, the students moved from station to station, tackling English-language exercises together. These activities promoted critical thinking and teamwork, teaching valuable lessons about collaboration and problem-solving.

The day concluded with a prize-giving ceremony, where SMJK Chong Hwa Head of the English Department Madam Ng presented the prizes to the winning teams. The event ended with a heartfelt souvenir exchange between UTAR and SMJK Chong Hwa, symbolising the strong bond formed.

The English workshop wrapped up on a high note, leaving students with unforgettable memories and a deeper appreciation for the English language. It was a unique opportunity to practise their language skills, gain confidence, and learn in a supportive, interactive environment.

Students earning clues at different stations to advance in the mystery challenge

Sessions led by Mr Aaron and Ms Norhafiezah

Madam Ng (right) presenting a certificate of appreciation to Mr Aaron, who represented UTAR

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