UTAR hosts the first Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO) in Malaysia

UTAR hosts the first Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO) in Malaysia

The Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO) 2024 took place at UTAR Kampar Campus from 3 to 10 June 2024.

Aerial view of the opening of the first Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO) in Malaysia

Held for the first time in Malaysia, the annual Physics Olympiad is more than just a competition; it is a celebration of knowledge, curiosity, and the unyielding quest for understanding. It is also a platform where young physicists from diverse cultures, nations, and beliefs come together to share ideas, challenge themselves, and build lasting friendships.

Prof Dato’ Ewe (far right), Dr Pua (centre), and other dignitaries greeting Tuan Chang (second from right)

Welcome performance by some members of UTAR Kampar Campus 24 Festive Drums

The APhO 2024 opening ceremony, held on 4 June 2024 at UTAR Kampar Campus Dewan Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik, was graciously officiated by Malaysia’s Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation YB Tuan Chang Lih Kang. He was accompanied by President of APhO Prof Kwek Leong Chuan, President of UTAR Ir Prof Dato’ Dr Ewe Hong Tat, and General Chairperson of APhO 2024 Assoc Prof Ts Dr Pua Chang Hong.

Also present at the opening ceremony were Yang Dipertua Majlis Daerah Kampar Tuan Ahmad Suqairy bin Alias, APhO 2024 Advisors Prof Hendra Kwee, Dr Ho Wai Loon, Dr Sua Sin Zang, benevolent sponsors, esteemed partners from universities, industries, government departments, agencies, NGOs, APhO international board and committee members, APhO 2024 organising committee members, examiners from Universiti Malaya and UTAR, leaders, observers, participants from 28 teams around the world, distinguished guests, UTAR staff and students.

Tuan Chang highlighting the Asian Physics Olympiad as proof of nations’ commitment to fostering young scientific talent

In his opening address, Tuan Chang stated, “As we stand on the threshold of this prestigious competition, let us reflect on the essence of physics - a discipline that unveils the mysteries of the universe, challenges our understanding of the world, and inspires us to push the boundaries of human knowledge. Physics is a quest for knowledge, and mastering this discipline will unfold many opportunities to pursue careers in high-tech industries, either as professionals or technology developers. The Asian Physics Olympiad stands as a testament to the collective dedication of nations towards nurturing young minds in the pursuit of scientific excellence. It is a platform that brings together some of the brightest young minds from around the world to showcase their talent and passion for physics. To all the talented young minds gathered here today, remember that the problems you will face are not just hurdles to overcome but opportunities to showcase your ingenuity, analytical skills, and passion for physics. Embrace and approach each challenge with curiosity, determination, and an open mind. Throughout this Olympiad, you will be tested not only on your knowledge of physics principles but also on your problem-solving skills, creativity, and perseverance. Each challenge you face will be an opportunity to push the boundaries of your understanding and to emerge stronger and more resilient. As you compete, remember the spirit of camaraderie and cooperation that defines the scientific community. Regardless of the outcome, cherish the friendships you will forge, the lessons you will learn, and the memories you will create together.”

He also emphasised that the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI) is enhancing its focus on STEM education to help Malaysia become a high-technology nation. By collaborating with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education, MOSTI aims to align educational curricula with industry needs, providing students with both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Their efforts include industry-led projects, internships, and a nationwide STEM camp initiative to inspire students and connect them with industry professionals, thereby preparing them for future technological advancements and innovation.

Prof Kwek emphasising the importance of physics

On behalf of APhO, Prof Kwek introduced, “Physics is a universal discipline, influencing many fields beyond its own. Physicists have not only won the Nobel Prize in Physics but also in other categories. At least four physicists have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, and no fewer than twenty-two physicists have received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. One notable example is Ernest Rutherford, who remarked, ‘I have observed many transformations while working with radioactive materials, but none as rapid as my own from physicist to chemist.’ This exemplifies the versatility and far-reaching impact of physicists.” He concluded, “I urge you to give your best effort in this competition. Remember, as always, that one of the most important goals is to form deep and lasting friendships. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavours, especially in this competition.”

Prof Dato’ Ewe encouraging participants of the Olympiad to seize the opportunity to forge lasting international friendships

Following Prof Kwek’s sentiment, on behalf of UTAR, Prof Dato’ Ewe expressed, “I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation, Malaysia, Yang Berhormat Tuan Chang Lih Kang; all dignitaries, distinguished guests, and participants for gracing the 2024 Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO) with your presence. Physics plays a crucial role in our daily lives, impacting everything from the simplest motions like walking and cooking to more complex processes such as weather prediction, communication, and medical diagnostics. At UTAR, we recognise the importance of physics in understanding the natural world, advancing technology, solving problems, fostering critical thinking, driving innovation, increasing productivity, and connecting us globally. Physics not only helps us progress in scientific research but also enhances our everyday experiences and conveniences.”

Prof Dato’ Ewe added, “Hosting the APhO 2024 places UTAR at the forefront of international cooperation and collaboration in physics education. This gathering of brilliant young minds creates opportunities for closer interactions and fosters international friendships and cooperation among the next generation of scientists in Asia and beyond. I encourage each participant to seize the opportunities presented by this unique event to forge lasting international friendships and potential future scientific collaborations.”

Dr Pua thanking all the generous sponsors for their support and contributions in making the event a reality

As the General Chairperson of APhO 2024, Dr Pua said, “It is a great honour and privilege to welcome you to the 2024 Asian Physics Olympiad, held in Kampar, Perak. As the General Chair of this esteemed event, I am delighted to have 28 teams involved, including 208 student participants and 111 leaders and observers from 27 economies. It is exciting to see so many bright and enthusiastic minds gathered here to celebrate the wonders of physics. Your journey, dedication, and passion for physics are truly commendable.”

He added, “We are excited to witness your skills and creativity as you tackle the challenges presented during this competition. I would also like to express my deepest appreciation to our generous sponsors: IAQ, The HEAD Foundation, Greatech, as well as Grand Kampar Hotel for taking care of our distinguished guests’ accommodation and meals throughout the event. Your support and contributions have been pivotal in making this event a reality. Thank you for investing in the future of these young physicists, and for helping us create an environment where they can shine and grow.”

The opening gimmick (from left) Prof Dato’ Ewe, Tuan Chang, Prof Kwek and Dr Pua hitting the drums to officiate the Asian Physics Olympiad 2024

Prof Dato’ Ewe (second from left) and Prof Kwek (second from right) presenting a souvenir to Tuan Chang, witnessed by Dr Pua (far left)

The opening ceremony of APhO 2024 reached its climax with a captivating opening gimmick and a group photograph, followed by the introduction of all 28 teams as they stepped onto the stage.

Participants, leaders and observers of APhO 2024 with officials and dignitaries

The Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO) originated from the International Physics Olympiad (IPhO). APhO started in the year 2000 in Indonesia with about 10 participating countries, and in 2021, the participating countries grew to 26 countries. It is an annual Physics competition for high school students from countries across Asia and Oceanic regions. This year marks the 24th edition of the APhO.

Participants during the opening ceremony of APhO 2024

The competition is divided into two sections: a 5-hour theoretical examination, and a 5-hour laboratory experiment. Each national delegation is made up of eight members plus two leaders who will compete for the winning prize.

The opening ceremony of APhO 2024 ended with a sumptuous luncheon for all the dignitaries and participants.

Young physicists from around the world

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