APhO 2024 closes with a big bang

APhO 2024 extends its thanks to all participants

The 24th Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO) ended with a memorable closing ceremony and farewell banquet, along with a presentation of awards to respective winners on 9 June 2024 at UTAR Kampar Campus. APhO 2024 would like to congratulate all winners and participants for making this event a success. 

Present to grace the closing ceremony were Head of Protocol and Public Relations Department of Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia Mr Waleed E. Alfaisal; Deputy Secretary General (Planning and Science Enculturation) of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Yang Berusaha Puan Ruziah binti Shafei; President of APhO Prof Kwek Leong Chuan, who is also a Principal Investigator (PI) at the Centre for Quantum Technologies of the National University of Singapore (NUS); UTAR Vice President for R&D and Commercialisation Prof Ts Dr Faidz bin Abd Rahman; and General Chairperson of APhO 2024 Organising Committee Assoc Prof Ts Dr Pua Chang Hong from UTAR.

Puan Ruziah highlighting the importance of science in bringing people together

Puan Ruziah said, “To the brilliant minds who have participated in this competition, you are the true stars of this event. You have demonstrated profound knowledge and skills at this competition and a passion for learning and discovering. Regardless of the outcome, each one of you has achieved something from participating in this competition. This is more than a competition; it is a celebration of excellence and a testament to the collaborative spirit of the organising committee. It provided a unique platform for cultural exchange, fostering friendship and understanding among young scientists.”

She added, “This competition highlights the importance of science as a universal language that can gather people. In this rapidly growing world, innovation and collaboration are more critical than ever. The knowledge and experiences you have gained here will undoubtedly inspire you to tackle these challenges with great determination. As the competition comes to an end, I hope you carry with you fond memories. Let us be inspired by the potential of these young minds and commit ourselves to supporting their scientific endeavours.”

Prof Kwek emphasising the importance of setbacks to be strong

Prof Kwek commented, “Today, you have already witnessed a historical event. You have also participated in an excruciating Clash of the Titans. You have made it, and congratulations. If you think you have failed miserably, let me tell you that you have successfully added one more setback in your life. Setbacks are absolutely necessary. Without setbacks, we cannot be strong. Many of my friends who received Nobel Prizes in Physics will tell you that you need setbacks to move forward; ironic, but it’s the truth.”

Prof Faidz promoting lifelong learning through Physics

Prof Faidz enthused, “I would also like to thank APhO for giving us the opportunity to organise this annual physics Olympiad in Malaysia and UTAR, specifically. We are very honoured to be able to join this effort in equipping participants with fun-filled and knowledge-rich experiences. Physics can inspire curiosity and passion, which are key motivators to encourage lifelong learning. This is also an emphasis that UTAR upholds because continuous learning helps mould our students into informed citizens and promotes scientific literacy. We hope to see more Physics talents leading changes through various initiatives, such as improving energy policy, strengthening environmental protection, and promoting technological innovation. This will ultimately bring benefit to our society, as we embrace these changes and positive impacts.”

Dr Pua expressing his gratitude to the organising committee

Dr Pua said, “The simplest solution is often the most effective. In a world where we rely on technology, it is essential to not overlook the power of basic observation. I hope you will think back on what you have learnt and gained, and how you communicated with the other participants in this Olympiad. As we conclude the APhO 2024, I must express my profound gratitude and admiration to our hardworking committee. Your dedication and tireless efforts are the driving force behind the seamless implementation of this Olympiad.”

Dr Pua (left) presenting a souvenir to Mr Waleed

Dr Pua (right) presenting a souvenir to Puan Ruziah

Also present at the closing ceremony were APhO 2024 advisors, namely Founder of Yayasan Sinergi Mencerdaskan Tunas Negeri Prof Hendra Kwee and Principal of Chung Hua High School Seremban Dr Sua Sin Zang. The ceremony was also witnessed by UTAR Council Member Mr Hew Fen Yee and UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, along with esteemed partners from universities, industries, government departments, agencies, NGOs, APhO international board and committee members, and APhO 2024 organising committee, including, examiners from UM and UTAR, namely Dr Juan Carlos Algaba Marcos and Dr Lee Yong Hong; leaders, observers, and participants from 28 teams around the world.

UTAR also welcomed Ambassador of Romania H.E. Mrs Nineta Bărbulescu, and Advisor Mr Dan Bărbulescu, on 7 June 2024, when she paid a courtesy visit to UTAR Kampar Campus. She was received by UTAR President Ir Prof Dato’ Dr Ewe Hong Tat, Prof Choong, and Dr Pua.

Dr Pua (far left), Mr Dan Bărbulescu (fourth from left) H.E. Mrs Nineta Bărbulescu (eighth from left), Prof Dato’ Ewe (seventh from right) and Prof Choong (far right), with the Romanian team participating in APhO 2024

Here are the top winners:

Read some of the winners’ testimonials here.
(*Winners were randomly selected to share their testimonials)

Honorable Mention

Bronze Medal

Silver Medal

Gold Medal

Best Scorer (Theory): Pan, Haoyang (China)

Best Scorer (Experiment): Qian, Kunxiao (China)

Absolute Winner: Qian, Kunxiao (China)

Book Award and Best Malaysian Performer: Wong Jian Bin (Malaysia)

Best Male Performer: Qian, Kunxiao (China)

Best Female Performer: Heidi Ruohua Gong (Australia)

Best Performer (Guest Participant): Alexandru Momoiu (Romania)

The closing ceremony also signified the conclusion of a week-long of activities that were organised for leaders, observers, and participants. Leaders were engaged in theoretical paper discussions, experimental paper discussions, international board meeting, and plenary talk. Meanwhile, participants were focused on their theoretical competition and experimental competition.

Leaders discussing the theoretical paper

Leaders discussing the experimental paper

Leaders deliberating and cross-checking the final marks

Insightful plenary talk by Dr Juan Carlos Algaba

Participants challenging their boundaries of physics knowledge in the theoretical competition

Participants solving questions during the experimental competition

Leisure activities were also prepared to provide leaders, observers, and participants glimpses into our Malaysian culture and history. These activities included visits to the Gua Tempurung and Gaharu Tea Valley; the Malaysian Food Fair; the Malaysian Cultural Festival, and Sports Day.

Participants exploring Gua Tempurung

Participants checking out the scenic view at Gaharu Tea Valley

Participants taking part in the cultural performances

Participants having fun playing local traditional games

Special thanks to all benevolent sponsors for making APhO 2024 a success. The list of sponsors is as below:

Platinum Sponsors:
Grand Kampar Hotel, The HEAD Foundation, IAQ Solutions Sdn Bhd, and Greatech Technology Bhd

Silver Sponsor:
SRM Integration (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd

Bronze Sponsor:
Growchem Sdn Bhd and LINX

General Sponsors:
JF Technology, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) and Sai Kim Enterprise Sdn Bhd

Song performance by UTAR Sungai Long Music Club

Let the feast begin

More photos below:

24th APhO: Day 2 (+Opening Ceremony)
24th APhO: Day 3
24th APhO: Day 4
24th APhO: Day 5
24th APhO: Day 6
24th APhO: Day 7 (+Closing Ceremony)

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