Visit by Tsinghua Southeast Asia Center

From left: Prof Cheng, Dr Lim, Dr Lai, Prof Wu, Prof Dato’ Ewe, Prof Liu, Zhang, Li, Liu

A group of visitors from Tsinghua Southeast Asia Center (TSEA) visited UTAR Sungai Long Campus on 2 March 2024.

The visitors were Tsinghua University (THU) School of Continuing Education Dean and TSEA Director Prof Dr Liu Zhen, THU School of Social Sciences academic Prof Dr Wu Jinxi, TSEA Head of Office Ms Zhang Yu and TSEA Project Manager Ms Li Jin.

Extending a warm welcome to the TSEA visitors were UTAR President Ir Prof Dato’ Dr Ewe Hong Tat, Belt and Road Strategic Research Centre Chairperson Prof Dr Cheng Ming Yu, Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) Deputy Dean Assoc Prof Dr Chin Chong Foh, Centre for Extension Education Director Assoc Prof Ir Dr Lim Jee Hock, Office of International Affairs (OIA) Director Assoc Prof Dr Lai Soon Onn, and OIA Senior Assistant Manager Ms Liu Dan.

During the meeting, Prof Dato’ Ewe and Prof Liu exchanged a brief overview of their respective organisations. Various topics, including study tours, engineer talent development, continuing education, joint research projects, etc., were thoroughly discussed and explored. Both parties exhibited a strong interest in fostering future collaborations.

The visit concluded with an exchange of souvenirs and a group photography session.

The meeting room buzzed with ongoing discussions

Prof Dato’ Ewe (standing on the left) and Prof Liu exchanging tokens of appreciation

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