Empowering tomorrow's leaders with talk on manufacturing transformation
The talk titled Manufacturing Transformation - For Students’ Level, organised on 15 April 2024 at UTAR Kampar Campus, enabled attendees to learn the perspectives and opportunities in the semiconductor industry. The talk was organised by the Centre for Business and Management (CBM) and the Department of Entrepreneurship and Supply Chain Management of the Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF).
Front row, from left: Mr J. Philip Vincent, Dr Au Yong, Dr Ng, and Dr Lee with UTAR staff and students
Invited to speak was Mr. J. Philip Vincent, the Group Director of GSH Precision Technology Sdn Bhd, located in Penang. He started as an auditor at Deloitte and left to venture into manufacturing in 1990 in Bayan Lepas with his partners. In 1998, he led the company's listing on KLSE and then expanded its operations to Thailand, the Philippines, China, and India to serve the needs of the semiconductor industries. Additionally, he has made significant contributions to the educational sector by serving as a member of the Industry Advisory Panel at University Sains Malaysia and AIMST University Malaysia. Furthermore, he holds the position of Adjunct Professor at Binary University Malaysia.
Present at the talk were FBF Dean Assoc Prof Dr Au Yong Hui Nee, CBM Chairperson Assoc Prof Dr Lee Voon Hsien, Department of Entrepreneurship and Supply Chain Management Dr Ng Yin Kuan, staff, and participants.
Mr J. Philip Vincent introducing himself
The speaker shared his current alliances and experiences, from when he was an accountant, to now working in the semiconductor industry. The display of some semiconductor products further intrigued the participants as it enabled them to get a better grasp on the topic.
Mr J. Philip explaining the products displayed
As he delved further, he explained the revolutionary potential of contemporary manufacturing technology, and emphasised additive manufacturing laser cutting, and computer numerical control (CNC) systems. He then explained the various technology adoption programmes with the support of the latest technology equipment.
Mr J. Philip explaining the latest technology and equipment
He clarified that this advanced equipment on the manufacturing floor is fuelled by sophisticated computer programming, completely automating the process from design to manufacture of mechanical parts. As the semiconductor industry is growing rapidly in Malaysia, he mentioned that upskilling students’ knowledge according to industry needs is very important. He also highlighted the growth of artificial intelligence and robotics, illustrating how robotics can assemble an entire car without human intervention in the manufacturing process. Through automation, it minimises human interaction, complies with production schedules, and optimises operations to minimise faults and inefficiencies, resulting in superior-quality end products.
Mr J. Philip explaining the differences between old and new equipment
Participants were also enlightened on the abilities of these technologies in facilitating remote production and precise engineering, creating a foundation for a manufacturing environment that is more dynamic and efficient. Additionally, the significant influence of automation on improving product quality and the importance of the Internet of Things (IoT) alongside cybersecurity challenges were discussed. Innovations reshaping the sector were highlighted to provide fresh potential for growth and learning opportunities available in the market, as stressed by the speaker.
At the end of the talk, participants learnt about the skill-based job opportunities available in the manufacturing industry, as well as, the significance of upskilling, in accordance with industry evolution, such as the adoption of enterprise resources planning systems.
Dr Lee (centre) presenting a token of appreciation to Mr J. Philip (left) accompanied by Dr Ng
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