Unveiling Ceremony of the China-Malaysia Institute of Science and Technology Innovation with Xidian University

UTAR staff and delegation from Xidian University

On 26 April 2024, UTAR Sungai Long Campus hosted the significant unveiling ceremony of the China-Malaysia Institute of Science and Technology Innovation (CM-ISTI). This event marked a major milestone in the collaboration between Xidian University and UTAR, showcasing a commitment to advancing scientific and technological innovations.

Present were Prof Zhang Xinliang, President of Xidian University, and Ir Prof Dato' Dr Ewe Hong Tat, President of UTAR.

Prof Dato’ Ewe mentioned that the establishment of the China-Malaysia Institute of Science and Technology Innovation (CM-ISTI) symbolises a significant achievement in enhancing cooperation and joint development in technological innovation between the two universities. He also noted that it reflects the dynamic exchanges and collaborations in science and technology education between China and Malaysia.

Prof Dato’ Ewe

Prof Zhang, on the other hand, highlighted Xidian University’s willingness to collaborating closely with UTAR. He emphasised the importance of leveraging mutual strengths to tackle key technological challenges and advance the application of scientific achievements. He also noted the university’s efforts to enhance academic interactions through collaborative research and exchanges, aiming to cultivate future leaders in technology.

Prof Zhang

The CM-ISTI is envisioned as a hub for pioneering research in areas critical to both nations, including smart grid technologies, renewable energy, and artificial intelligence. The institute is set to facilitate significant academic exchanges and research collaborations between Malaysia and China.

Prof Zhang (left) and Prof Ewe (right) unveiling CM-ISTI

The event also included a series of enlightening presentations by UTAR academics, who presented a broad spectrum of groundbreaking research areas integral to the institute’s mission.

Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science (LKC FES) Head of Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Assoc Prof Ir Dr Chang Yoong Choon delved into his pioneering work on a Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient-Based Algorithm for Computation Offloading in the Internet of Vehicles (IoV). Chairperson of Centre for Communication Systems and Networks Prof Ts Dr Lim Eng Hock shared significant advancements in RFID and antenna design, highlighting their practical applications. Chairperson of Centre for Power Systems and Electricity Ir Prof Dr Lim Yun Seng spoke on the advancements and challenges in Smart Grid & Renewable Energy, emphasising sustainable energy solutions. LKC FES Department of Mechanical and Material Engineering Assoc Prof Ir Dr Tey Jing Yuen presented the latest developments in 3D Printing technology, demonstrating its revolutionary impact on manufacturing. Chairperson of Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Computing Applications Prof Ts Dr Yau Kok Lim explored the vast potentials of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in enhancing computational efficiencies and solving complex problems. Lastly, LKC FES Head of Department of Mechatronics and BioMedical Engineering Ir Dr Goh Choon Hian offered insights into Biomedical Engineering, focusing on its critical role in improving healthcare outcomes.

UTAR academics presenting their research to delegation of Xidian University

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