International Conference on Curriculum and Educational Instruction 2024

Second row, second from right:  Prof Dato’ Ewe and the organising committee

Front row (from left): Prof Sharon Teh, Dr Fazlinah, Datin Ng, Dr Ahmad Zabidi, Prof Vaikunthan

The International Conference on Curriculum and Educational Instruction (APPROCEI ICCEI) 2024 was successfully held from 17 to 19 May 2024 at the Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (APU). The event was organised by the Association of Professional in Curriculum and Educational Instruction (APROCEI) and Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU) together with supporting partners from Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), UNESCO International Bureau of Education (IBE), Universiti Malaya (UM), SEGi University, and Asia Pacific Research Association on Curriculum Studies (APRACSI).

The event was generously sponsored by SMM Education Group, bringing together a diverse group of educators, policymakers, researchers and thought leaders around the world. The conference aimed to deliberate on the roles and impact of curriculum studies and instructional designing in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) and providing opportunities for collaboration on curriculum and instruction across the Asia Pacific region with ESG societal impacts.

The first day of the event commenced with plenary interactive workshop sessions. The sessions include “Understanding the greenhouse effect in primary and secondary school” by Mr David Wilgenbus, “Building STEM competence the fun way” by Dr Janchai Yingprayoon, “Future curriculum” by Mr Hugo Labate, “Storytelling towards sustainability thinking” by Ms Khaw Choon Ean, “Time and sustainability in Mahua literature” by Dr Florence Kuek, “Generative AI in education” by Prof Dr Abtar and team, “Program evaluation in curriculum” by Dr Chin Mei Chin and “DIY STEM Toys for the early years” by Dr Ong Dee Jean.

The pre-conference interactive workshops on 17 May 2024 provided participants with practical tools and teaching strategies that enhance student engagement for better learning outcomes. Workshop sessions were chaired by the organising committee members, namely Ms Norfadhillah Yussof, Dr Florence Kuek, Mejar Dr Rosmalily Salleh, Ms Anna Phang Wai Leng, Dr Ilhavenil, Dr Ngeow Yeok Meng, Dr Mazaln Ismail, Dr Siew Siew Kim and Ms Anna Phang Wai Leng.

Datin Dr Ng Soo Boon delivered a remarkable welcome speech on the first day of the conference, expressing her hopes that every participant would find value in the three-day events. She emphasised that “Education towards Building Sustainability, Thinking, and Resilience” is the path forward. She encouraged everyone to uphold these principles with action and dedication for the benefit of future generations.

Prof Dr Rohaida Mohd Saat chaired the theme “Sustainability and Future of Education” session, which featured presentations from distinguished speakers. Ji Lili discussed “Transformation of Education towards International Understanding & Peace – Global Perspective,” followed by Prof Emeritus Dr Saedah Siraj’s insightful talk on the “Future of Education.” Prof Dr Abtar Darshan Singh chaired the session themed “Sustainability and Overcoming Adversity and Learning Loss”. Mr David Wilgenbus delivered a presentation titled “For an Evidenced-based Climate Change Education”. Prof Dr Lina Kaminiskine presented on “Modeling the Sustainable Educational Process for Pupils from Vulnerable Groups in Critical Situations: Covid and Post-Covid Contexts in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.”

Dr Ngeow Yeok Meng chaired the session themed “Sustainability and Humanising Education”. Mr Hugo Labate delved into “Curriculum Entering the Age of Personalised Learning”. Following this, Dr Conrad Hughes shared insights into the development of a well-rounded education framework with his discourse on “Building a Holistic Curriculum”. Subsequently, the session proceeded with engaging paper presentations by esteemed presenters, further enriching the discourse on innovative educational paradigms and practices.

The session on the theme of “Sustainability and Stem Competence”, was chaired by Dr Siew Siew Kim. Dr Janchai Yingprayoon initiated the session with an engaging sharing titled “Building STEM Competence the Fun Way” captivating the audience with innovative approaches. Following this, Prof Dr Amelia Fajardo presented insights on “Community-Based Curriculum Design and Teacher Education”. Prof Dr Patrick Charland and Prof Stephane provided valuable perspectives from PISA 2022 in their presentation on Transforming Education Systemically,” shedding light on systemic transformations in education.

The event concluded with a discussion forum focusing on the theme of “Developing Curriculum towards Fulfilling SDG and Character Building,” chaired by Datin Dr Ng Soo Boon with esteemed panellists from academia and the Ministry of Education, namely UTAR President Ir Prof Dato’ Dr Ewe Hong Tat, APU Adjunct Prof Dr Vaikunthan Rajaratnam, Universiti Malaya Dean of the Faculty of Education Assoc Prof Dr Ahmad Zabidi Abdul Razak, Deputy Director of the Social Sciences Sector, Curriculum Development Division from the Ministry of Education Dr Fazlinah binti Said, and SEGi University Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Sharon Teh Geok Bee. The forum provided a platform for robust discussions and knowledge sharing, leaving participants inspired and motivated to implement positive changes in education within their respective contexts.

Forum panellists (from left): Prof Vaikunthan, Dr Ahmad Zabidi, Prof Dato’ Ewe, Datin Ng, Dr Fazlinah and Prof Sharon Teh

Workshop participants

Participants’ Feedback

Gs Ts Amelia Chiang Kar Mun from the Centre for Foundation Studies, UTAR said, “It was an incredibly enriching experience that broadened my perspective on modern educational practices. The diverse array of workshops and seminars offered valuable insights into innovative teaching methodologies and the integration of technology in the classroom. Engaging with experts and fellow educators allowed me to exchange ideas and strategies, fostering a collaborative environment that was both inspiring and motivating.”  

She added, “Throughout the conference, the interactive sessions provided hands-on opportunities to explore new tools and techniques, which I found particularly beneficial for my professional development. Networking events facilitated meaningful connections with other participants, leading to fruitful discussions about common challenges and potential solutions in our teaching practices.”

“However, one drawback was the limited time for asking questions during the Day 3 forum, which left some participants, including myself, feeling that our queries and contributions were cut short. Despite this, the atmosphere was vibrant and inclusive, making it easy to engage and share experiences. Overall, the conference not only equipped me with practical skills and knowledge but also reignited my passion for teaching, reinforcing my commitment to fostering an innovative and supportive learning environment for my students,” she said.

Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science academic Ts Dr Ooi Kean Thong said, “Attending the conference on educational pedagogy and curriculum design was a truly enlightening experience, offering us a comprehensive view of sustainable, future-oriented education through the diverse perspectives of speakers from Europe, Asia, and Southeast Asia. Each session was enriched with innovative ideas and practical insights on how to redesign curricula to better equip students for future challenges. The depth of knowledge and expertise displayed by the speakers was impressive, with their presentations highlighting successful strategies and case studies from their respective regions.”

He also said, “This has greatly broadened my understanding of the global educational trends and inspired me to incorporate some of these forward-thinking approaches into my own practice and my educational research projects. The workshops and sharing sessions provided invaluable hands-on opportunities to engage with new concepts and methodologies. These interactive sessions facilitated meaningful discussions and collaboration on designing curriculum models that prioritise sustainability and future readiness. I particularly appreciated the chance to network with educators and professionals from around the world, exchanging ideas and experiences crucial for fostering a global perspective on education.”

For Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS) academic, Ms Lee Cin Dee, it was an enlightening experience, providing a wealth of knowledge and networking opportunities. “One of the key highlights of the conference was the theme that revolved around sustainability thinking and resilience. The conference featured a variety of workshops and breakout sessions that covered a wide range of topics,” Ms Lee said. She was particularly interested in the session titled “Understanding the greenhouse effect in primary and secondary schools” facilitated by Mr David Wilgenbus, exploring many interactive teaching techniques and role-play exploration in the STEM curriculum.

“David’s idea of simplicity and having a sense of humour, as demonstrated and echoed by Dr Janchai Yingprayoon, in lesson delivery has given me a refreshing insight and a reminder that we are dealing with humans; our dear students. These are also in line with one of the conference’s sub-themes of humanising education,” Ms Lee said and added, “Beyond these formal sessions, ICCEI 2024 offered numerous opportunities that allowed me to connect with fellow and aspiring educators besides the experts. Conversations over teatime ranged from personal experiences to institutional policies, enriching my perspective on global educational practices.”

“Attending ICCEI 2024 has definitely provided me with a multitude of ideas and strategies to enhance my teaching practice, if not at the level of curriculum development. The emphasis on education for sustainable development, resilience, adaptability, inclusivity, technological integration, growth mindset and empathy has broadened my frame of mind. I look forward to applying these innovative ideas that ignite curiosity among my students, and to continue this journey of professional growth,” enthused Ms Lee.

Faculty of Creative Industries academic Dr Saraswathy Thurairaj was glad that she could have this platform to present her research paper titled “Mitigating learning loss: Integrating ESG in higher education for holistic development” with valuable insights and feedback from the moderator and the learned audience during the parallel paper presentation. “In addition, the three-day conference was very well-organised, covering various topics and workshops,” she said.

Centre for Curriculum Development and Innovation (CCDI) Head Dr Ngeow Yeok Meng was very pleased to note that the aims of this sustainability conference were met, i.e. to deliberate on the roles and impact of curriculum studies and instructional designing in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs); and to provide opportunities for collaborations on curriculum and instruction across the Asia Pacific. Not only did it attract young scholars and experienced ESG professionals to form a community of practice, but the three-day conference also filled them with a renewed sense of purpose in both practices and sustainable educational strategies for future implementation.

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