300 participants embark on a journey towards sustainability at Let’s Hike with Zaneco-HOGA

The UTAR PR CSR Project We Want No Plastic recently held an exciting expedition, Let’s Hike with Zaneco-HOGA, at HOGA, Gaharu Tea Valley, Gopeng. Organised by 62 students from the Bachelor of Communication (Honours) Public Relations programme under the guidance of project advisor Ms Diong Fong Wei, the event saw collaboration between the We Want No Plastic project, Zantat Sdn Bhd, Zaneco Sdn Bhd, and HOGA, Gaharu Tea Valley, Gopeng. Majlis Daerah Kampar (MDKpr) and Green Energy Asia (GEA) were also key collaborators. The event attracted an impressive turnout of 300 participants.

The day kicked off with a warm-up aerobics session led by the event’s committee members, energising the participants before the hike. Mr Ivan Chan Bin Iuan, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Zantat Sdn Bhd and Zaneco Sdn Bhd officiated the flag-off ceremony, officially starting the hike. Participants enjoyed the scenic views of Gaharu Tea Valley, with informative signage on plastic usage placed along the route, making the experience both recreational and educational.

A variety of engaging activities added to the event’s appeal. These included the “Play with Earthya” game zones, a DIY workshop, a fashion zone, an information zone, and a merchandise booth. Information boards in the information zone emphasised the importance of reducing single-use plastics, promoting proper waste management, and addressing the harmful effects of plastic pollution. Musical performances by We Want No Plastic project members also kept the atmosphere lively throughout the day.

One of the key highlights of the event was the recyclable-themed fashion show Spice to Fantastic 2.0. The show featured 20 members of the project modelling innovative outfits made from recyclable materials. Divided into two segments, “Mutation” and “Future,” the fashion show creatively demonstrated the integration of sustainability and fashion.

The event concluded with participants expressing their satisfaction with the experience, set against the beautiful backdrop of Gaharu Tea Valley. The hike, combined with the educational components and the enthusiasm of the performances, helped raise awareness about the importance of reducing single-use plastics. The blend of education and entertainment left a lasting impression on attendees.

Mr Ivan Chan reflected on the collaboration and said, “We are committed to contributing to a cleaner environment and reducing the amount of microplastics polluting the Earth. Our partnership with the organisers of this event plays a crucial role in our efforts to minimise single-use plastics and promote sustainable alternatives. Zaneco Sdn Bhd is working towards manufacturing bioplastic compounds that are compostable, ensuring they do not leave traces of microplastics in the soil, oceans, or air.”

Mr Yap Jheng Sheng, representing Ms Carmen Ho, Chief Financial Officer of HOGA, congratulated the UTAR PR students on a successful event. He remarked, “Let’s Hike with Zaneco-HOGA is not just an outdoor activity, it’s evidence that organisations, whether government or non-government, can collaborate to tackle significant environmental challenges. Today’s hike served as a reminder of why this mission is essential. By supporting projects like We Want No Plastic and making eco-conscious choices, we are all contributing to reducing plastic waste and protecting the planet.”

Lui Kai Jian, Head of Programme for the We Want No Plastic project, explained the significance of the collaboration, saying, “Through this collective effort, we hope to inspire positive change among our audience, fostering sustainable practices and a sense of environmental responsibility. As students, our actions today set an example for the future, showcasing how youth-led initiatives can lead to a more eco-conscious and informed world.”

Chun Qin Hui, Assistant of the Creative Department and person-in-charge of the Spice to Fantastic 2.0 fashion show, discussed the significance of the sunflower-themed costume unveiled during the show. “We designed the sunflower-themed costume to blend cottage-core elegance with sustainability, drawing inspiration from the natural beauty of Gaharu Tea Valley. The costume, made from recycled plastic bags, symbolises vibrance and vitality, reflecting both nature’s splendour and our commitment to reducing single-use plastics. This design transforms waste materials into meaningful art, sparking conversations about environmental protection and encouraging sustainable choices.”

Lee Jie Xi, a designer for the fashion show, shared her thoughts on the event’s creative inspiration. “For this event, I created designs inspired by natural elements such as marine life and terrestrial animals. One standout piece was the mermaid design, symbolising the ocean’s beauty and the fragile balance of marine ecosystems, which are heavily impacted by plastic pollution. The costume, made from recycled plastic bags and bottles, shows how waste can be turned into something beautiful. I hope this encourages people to reconsider their everyday choices regarding single-use plastics.”

Teng Jie Wei, a member of the project, expressed her pride in the event’s success. “Seeing so many participants actively engaging in Let’s Hike with Zaneco-HOGA was incredibly rewarding. Not only did they appreciate the beauty of nature, but they also gained a deeper understanding of the need to reduce plastic usage. The creativity displayed in the fashion show, with all costumes made from recycled materials, showcased the perfect fusion of environmental protection and fashion, strengthening my commitment to promoting environmental awareness.”

Participants of Let’s Hike with Zaneco-HOGA, committee members of We Want No Plastic Project and guests before the commencement of the hike

Mr Ivan Chan (third row, fifth from right) and Mr Yap Jheng Sheng (third row, fifth from left) with the committee members of We Want No Plastic Project, after officiating the commencement of the Spice to Fantastic 2.0 Fashion show

Participants of Let’s Hike with Zaneco-HOGA hiking together

Special guests joining We Want No Plastic Project members after the Let’s Hike with Zaneco-HOGA event

Mr Ivan (second from right) and Mr Yap (second from left) alongside Wong (right) and Lui (left) unveiling the sunflower-themed outfit from the Spice to Fantastic 2.0 Fashion show

Participants of Let’s Hike with Zaneco-HOGA posing with We Want No Plastic mascot

Models of the Spice to Fantastic 2.0 Fashion show presenting their beautiful and innovative clothes

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