UTAR Confucius Institute conducts Mandarin language instruction training for school teachers

Front row, front left: Mr Lai, Ms Beh, Prof Dato’ Ewe, Prof Jiang and Prof Wang with participants at the opening ceremony

UTAR Confucius Institute organised a two-day training course titled “Mandarin Language Instruction Training for Malaysia National School (SK) Teachers (Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Areas)” in collaboration with Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Selangor, Jabatan Pendidikan Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur and the Malaysian Education Exchange Association on 2 and 3 September 2024 at UTAR Sungai Long Campus. The event was supported by Beijing Language and Culture University Press.

Present at the opening ceremony were UTAR President and UTAR Confucius Institute (Malaysia) Chairman Ir Prof Dato’ Dr Ewe Hong Tat, Dezhou University President and UTAR Confucius Institute (China) Chairman Prof Zhao Changlin (attended virtually), Penolong Pengarah Bahasa Cina Selangor Ms Beh Siok Kun, Penolong Pengarah Bahasa Cina Kuala Lumpur Mr Lai Kok Jiun, Malaysia Education Exchange Association Deputy President Dr Zhang Lin Feng and Secretary General Mr Phun Teck Seng, UTAR Confucius Institute Director (Malaysia) Assoc Prof Dr Chong Siou Wei, UTAR Confucius Institute Director (China) Prof Ma Yingxin, Beijing Language and Culture University Institute of International Chinese Language Education Assoc Dean and Doctoral Supervisor Prof Jiang Liping and Shandong University College of International Education Prof Wang Yaomei.

Prof Dato’ Ewe

Prof Dato’ Ewe, in his speech, said, “It is essential that we continue to build upon the foundations of learning. Malaysia’s primary education system plays a vital role in establishing a solid knowledge base and guiding students towards advanced stages of learning. As the mentors in this learning process, teachers not only need to possess strong knowledge of their subjects but also need to continuously improve their educational skills and teaching methods to keep up with the evolving landscape of modern education.”

Prof Zhao

Prof Zhao said, “Today’s instruction training focuses on teaching Chinese as a second language, exploring effective ways to enhance language skills, educational capabilities, and teaching methods. We are fortunate to have invited experts and scholars from both China and Malaysia to share their latest research and educational experiences, providing valuable resources for Malaysian primary school teachers. We hope that all participants will actively engage and gain valuable insights from this training.” He also extended an invitation to the participants to visit DZU for cultural exchange.

Ms Beh

Ms Beh said, “Language is more than just a communication bridge; it’s a cultural and spiritual legacy. In Malaysia’s multilingual context, Chinese education is vital for the nation’s diverse culture. I am pleased to see our Chinese language teaching team includes not only Chinese teachers but also Malays and Indians, creating a rich, inclusive environment that enhances students’ interest and engagement. With evolving educational philosophies and technology, we must continually innovate our methods to meet students’ needs and adapt to the changing times.”

Dr Chong

Dr Chong said, “As an institution dedicated to promoting the Chinese language and culture, our Confucius Institute is committed to advancing and enhancing local Chinese language teaching. This two-day training course aims to provide systematic training to help participants master more professional teaching methods and concepts.”

He continued, “The core of education lies in teachers, and the growth of teachers directly impacts the quality of education. We hope that through this training, participants will be able to learn the theories of teaching Chinese as a second language and acquire effective teaching techniques to improve classroom outcomes.”

From clockwise: Prof Jiang, Prof Wang and Dr Yap conducting the training course

The two-day training course featured Theoretical Models for Teaching Mandarin as a Second Language (Non-Chinese Students), conducted by Prof Jiang; Introduction to Teaching Content for Mandarin as a Second Language (Primary School Level), conducted by Prof Wang; How to Improve Teaching Mandarin Pronunciation, conducted by UTAR Institute of Chinese Studies academic Dr Yap Pei Sze; Concepts and Implementation of Chinese Compulsory Education Language Curriculum Development (online), conducted by Shanghai Normal University Institute of Chinese Studies Doctoral Supervisor and Teaching Steering Committee Director Prof Zheng, Guihua; Development Trends of International Chinese Teaching Resources and Teaching Materials in the New Era (online), conducted by Beijing Language and Culture University Press International Chinese Language Education Department Copy Editor and Deputy Director Mr Fu, Yanbai; and Guidance on Teaching Listening and Speaking in Second Language Instruction (online) by Teacher Ma Yamin. The training on the second day included two group activities where teachers designed and demonstrated lessons on literacy and listening-speaking instruction based on Malaysia’s curriculum requirements in primary schools. As the teachers presented their lessons, Prof Jiang, Prof Wang, Dr Yap and Prof Ma provided suggestions and methods to improve the lessons.

Prof Ma

Prof Ma said at the closing ceremony, “I would like to congratulate the participants for completing their training. Their enthusiastic support and participation have given us tremendous momentum for future development. Over the past two days, we have witnessed the active engagement and dedication of participants. The passion and commitment of our educators, especially those who have studied Chinese for five years and made significant contributions to Chinese language education, are truly inspiring.”

She continued, “I hope all the teachers will bring their newfound knowledge back to their schools and continue to foster the enthusiasm and professionalism developed here, contributing to the thriving development of Chinese education in Malaysia. Outside of China, Malaysia has one of the most complete Chinese education systems. Our Confucius Institute will continue to support you with online resources, talk and training. Let us work together to advance Chinese education and strengthen cultural exchange and friendship between our countries.”

Mr Lai

Highlighting Teacher Ma’s quote, ‘Just because teachers speak does not mean teaching happens; just because students learn does not mean they have mastered it,’ Mr Lai said, “Today’s training underscores the importance of effective teaching and the unique role of language teachers in inspiring students. I would like to thank the Malaysian Education Exchange Association and UTAR Confucius Institute for their support. As a language teacher, your ability to inspire and engage students is unparalleled. Your quiet dedication and significant impact on education should never be underestimated.”

Mr Phun

Mr Phun, at the closing ceremony, said, “Since the Malaysian Ministry of Education began establishing Chinese language classes in national primary schools in 2017, we now have around 1,000 such classes nationwide. Teaching in these classes can be challenging and isolating. However, through initiatives like today’s training and future events, we aim to provide essential support and encourage both teachers and students. We are committed to working with the UTAR Confucius Institute and experts from China to offer more opportunities for professional development and student engagement, ensuring continued growth and improvement in our educational efforts.”

The training course saw the participation of about 110 teachers.

Participants listening attentively during the training

Participants discussing during group activity

Ms Beh (right) presenting a certificate of appreciation to Prof Jiang

Mr Lai (right) presenting a certificate of appreciation to Prof Wang

Mr Phun (right) presenting a certificate of appreciation to Dr Yap

Dr Chong (left) presenting a certificate of completion to Mr Heng Boon Yu

Prof Ma (left) presenting a certificate of completion to Mr Ng Tzu Yaing

Group photo at the closing ceremony marking the success of the training

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