Green Bank Programme advocates recycling

Green Bank Programme advocates recycling

Green Bank located at Block E, Kampar Campus

With the growing awareness on recycling and reusing practices, many wastes that were previously thrown away after one use are now reduced because more consumers are joining the effort to recycle, reuse and reduce wastes.

At UTAR, the effort to instil the practice of recycling and reusing is further supported with the setting up of its first Green Bank in its Kampar Campus. The Green Bank Programme is a result of the collaboration established through a signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on 30 March 2020 between the Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT) and Go Greenonline Sdn Bhd.

Programme leader FEGT academic Ts Dr Wong Ling Yong explained, “We were introduced to Go Greenonline Sdn Bhd by the Malaysia Technological Association (Perak Branch) due to our continuous engagement in recycling and waste management projects in Perak. Recycling projects are very crucial in reducing the volume of waste which will contribute to the landfill. The amount of solid wastes generated in Malaysia in the year 2020 is around 30,000 tonnes and less than 5% of these solid wastes are being recycled. The main problem associated with recycling is the separation and collection of solid wastes. Go Greenonline have a good system to do separation and collection of wastes effectively. Throughout the monitoring, the separation work by the participants can be further improved.”

Apart from that, Dr Wong also highlighted that the scope of the programme is very related to the FEGT, and that the company showed a very good background profile and confidence to make this project a success, noting that Go Greenonline has conducted several successful recycling programmes in Pangkor Island for many years. “Another important aspect of this programme is that it provides us a platform to instil a culture of segregation of waste in the youth starting from university, and teach them the correct manner of recycling, while understanding the importance of recycling. Later, it is expected that they will bring this value with them and further nurture this value in their society and working place. Participants of the programme will also be rewarded with Touch-n-Go e-wallet cash of RM10 once they have achieved 100 green points,” said Dr Wong.

Green Bank Programme aims to promote successful waste segregation culture among UTAR staff and students; engage undergraduate students in waste segregation activities through Recycle Ranger programme, and carry out projects parallel to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), outlined by the United Nations. In the year 2020, the total waste collected weigh 1,817 kg, while to date, the total waste collected, in weight, increased to 3,838kg. Go Greenonline arranges the collection when the green bank reaches its capacity and the recyclables will be sent to selected recycling management companies.

“On sustainability, the Green Bank Programme is related to SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, and through this programme, recycling practices can be promoted within the community and eventually contribute to a sustainable and green environment. The programme is also related to SDG 13: Climate Change because recycling can minimise the amount of waste disposed to landfills and reduce the production of raw materials,” explained Dr Wong.

Presently, it is recorded that there is a continuous effort from the university community in depositing their recyclable items. Promotion for the programme is also made through mail masters which were sent several times. It was recorded that there were 136 members registered for the programme and some participants have also received their e-wallet cash rewards.

“If everything goes as planned, we will consider forming the Green Ranger team, consisting of around 20 students, in order run the programme, as well as to provide explanations to the participants about the recyclable and non-recyclable items, and carry out publicity of the programme in the campus. We are also considering to set up one or more Green Bank around the campus so that it would be easily accessible by students and staff at different blocks,” said Dr Wong.

Joining Dr Wong in overseeing this programme are FEGT academics Assoc Prof Dr Yamuna Munasamy and Ir Ts Dr Leong Kah Hon.

Click here to learn how to register as a Green Bank member.

Collection of recyclable items

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