
International Seminar 2022: Early Childhood Educators' Practices

Our Theme: Early Childhood Educators’ Practices Our Sub-themes:

 (a) Early Childhood Education before and during the pandemic
 (b) Cultures and regions in Early Childhood Education
 (c) Adaptations of Early Education at home.

Date: 30 August 2022

Time: 8.30am - 12.00pm

Platform: Zoom (Hybrid) 


(Webinar 2) An Introduction to Psychology and Life 

Curious why people behave the way they do? Or how does psychology help improve our lives? Come learn some psychological principles that may help us make sense of ourselves, other people, and the world we live in. Find helpful psychology principles to apply in your life for better living. 

1. For students: To understand some psychological topics and the application of psychological knowledge in everyday life 

2. For refugees: Getting to know more about psychology studies about refugee teachers and children in Malaysia

Date: 26 August 2022 (Friday) 

Time: 2.00pm to 4.00pm 

Platform: Zoom


Money Management for Youth

Youth have access to a wide range of resources and applications that allow them to individually manage nearly every aspect of their personal finances. Therefore, the introduction of a strong sense of value and appropriate management of money and finance is essential to help today’s younger generation. When you start to manage your finances, you'll have a better perspective on where and how you're spending your money. This can help you stay within your budget and even increase your savings. With good personal financial management, you'll also learn to control your money so you can achieve your financial goals. When an individual starts paying his debt, interest rates usually impact his ability to pay down the principal balance quickly.

Date: 25 August 2022 (Thursday) 

Time: 3.00pm to 5.00pm 

Platform: Ms. Teams


Overview Circular Economy and Packaging Sustainability

For further enquiries, please contact: Ms. Loi Sien Mun at dcinternet@utar.edu.my.

Date: 25 August 2022 (Thursday) 

Time: 3.00pm - 4.00pm (MYT) 

Platform: ZOOM


Act ahead of the Curve: Preparing for the Future Tough Job Market

The Department of Banking and Risk Management, Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF) will be organizing a webinar with the title "Act ahead of the Curve: Preparing for the Future Tough Job Market" by Prof. Dr. Ma Yue.

Date: 25 August 2022 (Thursday) 

Time: 2.00 pm - 3.00 pm 

Platform: Microsoft Teams (Teams Code: a2dwc97)

(Webinar 1) An Introduction to Psychology and Life 

Curious why people behave the way they do? Or how does psychology help improve our lives? Come learn some psychological principles that may help us make sense of ourselves, other people, and the world we live in. Find helpful psychology principles to apply in your life for better living. 

1. For students: To understand some psychological topics and the application of psychological knowledge in everyday life 

2. For refugees: Getting to know more about psychology studies about refugee teachers and children in Malaysia

Date: 20 August 2022 (Saturday)

Time: 10.00am - 12.00pm

Platform: Zoom
